Extra-Curricula News

Inter-School Debating Round 3

The third round of Inter-School Debating took place at school against Penshurst Public School. The topic for both debates was, ‘That school students must play compulsory weekend sport’. 


Like many of our previous debates, both the junior and senior teams battled it out in two very close debates. The junior team took the affirmative side of the topic and were very convincing in the presentation of their arguments. They addressed the key points brought up by the opposing team and identified their flaws. In the end, the junior team were awarded the win.


The senior team took the negative side of the debate and argued that school students must not be forced to play weekend team sport but have the choice to do so if they like. Their arguments were well developed and explained and their rebuttals brought question to some of the key points presented from Penshurst.  They did not come away with the win, although they have shown excellent growth in their debate skills.


Both teams are to be congratulated on their effort and time put into preparing and presenting their debates. The teams are looking forward to their final debate in Week 9, Term 3, which we are sure will be an exciting and close final debate.


Junior Debating Team
Senior Debating Team
Junior Debating Team
Senior Debating Team