Principal's message

School Show

Excitement is building as final rehearsals are underway for our school show in Week 8. Tickets are selling fast. More information regarding the show will be sent home early next week with times for drop off/pick up for performers. Individual classes will have sent home notes about costumes and if you have any further questions please contact your child's class teacher. 

Book Week 2023

Many thanks to Mrs Parker and Mr McLeod for organising the Book Parade and Book Swap yet again this year. Both events were a great success and the costumes were amazing. The number of books that were swapped were higher than anticipated and it was wonderful to see so many children motivated to read other books. 


Georges River Acknowledgement of Country

Georges River College students of Aboriginal descent were invited to feature in the production of an Acknowledgement of Country video by Ms Joanna French, our Director, Educational Leadership.


This video will be shown at the next NSW Directors, Educational Leadership Summit later this term and during future Georges River Co events.


Calita Murray, our Georges River Aboriginal Educational Officer, led the students in an Aboriginal dance and a spoken Acknowledgement of Country.


Three of our students proudly represented their families and our school and are featured in the Acknowledgement. Thank you Kaden, Cooper and Skyla we are so proud of  you and your contribution to this very special video. We hope to share it with our community when it becomes available. 

2024 Kindergarten enrolments open

Kindergarten 2024 enrolment  is open and we encourage all families to ensure that any children who are starting school in 2024 to complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible. We are finalising the Transition Program for next term and want to make sure no one misses out. 


Please use the link below to take you to the online enrolment form.


Parent Teacher Communication

As per our communication flowchart if you would like to speak to your child's teacher you can call the office and leave a message or send a message via Class Dojo. Please be respectful of the quiet hours teachers have set and understand that they will read/reply between the hours of 8am and 5pm. During the day, if there is a change to the afternoon routine please call the Office as teachers priority during the day is to teach and they may not check any messages that come through. 


Attendance Matters

Ensuring students are at school matters, in so many ways. 


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal