Work Experience

Earlier this term our Year 10 students participated in one week of Work Experience. The purpose of this program is to prepare students for the demands and expectations of the working world and to provide them with an opportunity to gain insight into a workplace of interest. Our students bravely acquired experience in a wide variety of industries including construction, plumbing, hair and beauty, education, health and hospitality. The reports we have received from the employers and our students has been extremely positive and our students are to be commended for their incredible effort. 


Here are some of the amazing reflections from our Year 10 students:
‘It was very good and very fun. I learned heaps’- Hamish Dowling
‘I went to Chesterfield farm and loved it. There was lot of cleaning but it was worth it to gain the experience of working with animals. My highlight was moving newborn lambs to a new space and feeding the 3 camels. Work experience is something I will always remember’- Alivia Dennis
‘It was fun and I learnt a lot’ – Mitchell Taylor
‘I really enjoyed it. I got to meet so many new people and see a range of things and it helped me think about what I might what to do in the future’ – Ashlan White
‘It was really good to have a look into what that kind of workforce is like, and to get a taste of what I could be doing after school’ – Aleisha Boucher-Smith
‘I went to Bayswater Library for work experience. I really enjoyed my time there and getting to know my coworkers. I found myself getting into a proper routine and feeling comfortable. I felt it was a good experience and I developed skills like initiative and I was able to do things efficiently’- Patricia Chan

Melissia McMurray

Learning Behaviours & Tranistions