From the Principal

How quickly the year is flying by. I hope that many families were able to take a mini vacation over the Melbourne Cup holiday weekend, especially given Monday was a pupil free day for our students. 



Teachers spent the Monday (pupil free day) to work in their year levels to moderate assessments and work samples and to start the report writing process in readiness for the end of year reports. End of year reports will be finalised and uploaded on Compass ready for parents to download on Thursday 15 December. 


This is the final announcement for parents to email the school if you have a particular request for consideration prior to  teachers starting the process of organising students into the 2023 classes. Please ensure that if you do have a request it is received no later than midday on Friday 11th November.

We are NOT able to take requests for particular teachers as staffing for the following year is not finalised until much later.



Friday 11th November is a pupil free day as teachers will spend time working in professional learning teams to undertake training to upskill pedagogical practices. Each year level of teachers will have a different learning priority but one commonality will be to use some time in the afternoon to create the 2023 class lists and commence organising the transition program. (This is another reason that no class placement requests will be received after midday).


Remembrance Day is on Friday 11 November which falls on our Professional Practice Day. As this day is a pupil free day, we will be acknowledging Remembrance Day on Thursday 10 November. 

We will be observing a minute of silence in respect for those who have served our country in the past and current wars. Our Captains will provide a brief service over the public address system so that students gain a better understanding of Australia’s part in the historical Armistice Day and why a red poppy is usually worn.


 JAPANESE DAY- 3rd November

Throughout the year students learn the language and culture of Japan. Sensei Briggs is now organising a ‘Japanese Day’ where students will participate in a range of fun filled activities to further our participation as global citizens. 


Even the canteen wants to make the day special and is offering a lunch order of sushi and green tea ice cream. Orders have now closed.



This year has certainly seen students thriving in the Arts Program and they would love to share their art work with family and friends. On Thursday the 24 November, 2022, Murrumbeena Primary School is hosting its first Annual Art Exhibition (since the lengthy lockdowns). This exhibition will celebrate the creativity and artistic talents of students from Prep to Year 6. 

Over 1200 pieces of art will be on display for parents and families to view and celebrate. As part of this celebration, we are also holding a special Art Competition where students are invited to submit their own piece of work in an art medium of their choice. We will be awarding 4 prizes, sponsored by the Pancake Parlour, with a winner being chosen from Prep, Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6. We’ll even fire up the barbeque so parents can purchase a sausage sizzle for an easy dinner for the kids.