School Council News

Canteen Update
Thank you to everyone who responded to the recent canteen survey.
Earlier this year the School Council agreed to trial an off-site canteen provider in a bid to address some of the challenges posed by running an on-site service, including resourcing.
We are grateful for the overwhelming response to the survey from our WPPS community, which has provided valuable insights as we review the trial.
The survey results revealed some definite themes, including the desire for a cost-effective service that provides hot food options (and some treats!). The sense of community provided by an on-site canteen was also important to many.
To that end, we are keen to gauge the level of interest among our school community in assisting with a canteen service in the future. If you are willing and able to help, we would love to hear from you. Please email the school with your availability.
Please be assured the School Council has taken the survey feedback on board and is continuing to explore solutions that help meet the needs of both the school and our WPPS students and families.
The Wonga Park School Council