



Ninja Parc with Mrs Lewin 

We had around 150 students take part in the Ninja Parc Expressions excursions over two thrilling days. The students had an absolute ball practising their ninja warrior skills while rock wall climbing, leaping and jumping between obstacles, swinging on rope swings, sprinting up the warped walls and balancing across tight ropes throughout the ninja parc course and equipment. Students were buzzing as they left Ninja Parc, all feeling a huge sense of achievement for what they had completed during their time. Best quote during the excursions came from a Year 3 student who commented, ‘I never knew I was so cool!’ This pretty well summed up how amazing the experiences were for Wonga’s ‘ninja warriors.’ 

A big thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who came along to assist, and even take part, in many of the Ninja Parc activities. A big thank you also goes to Miss Anker, Miss Kiefte and Mr White for joining us on the excursions.  

For those who may be interested, Ninja Parc in Bayswater offer a 3-hour school holiday program each day. Check out their website for more information - 

Here are a few snapshots from our time at Ninja Parc! 

Mrs Lorin Lewin 



Clay flowers and vase with Ange Davidson

A group of 20 students in Grade 5/6 participated in a three hour workshop with a local ceramicist to create these beautiful hand crafted vases and flowers. New skills were learnt such as printing clay using textured tea towels, sealing the base of a vase shape fit for water and flowers, and hand moulding petals, stamen, seed pods and gumnuts ready for stems to be attached next term. Students loved the variety of coloured clays on offer and even created some two-tone flowers with wonderful effects.

To see Ange's work visit @aclayjourney on Instagram.


Clay tea-light houses with Crystal Morrissey

On Monday this week, 15 students from Grades 3/4 enjoyed creating a small ceramic house putting their creativity and flair on show! Crystal guided the students through how to make a square or round house and the techniques involved in cutting and removing portions of clay for light to shine through. Structural challenges were met head on with determination and flexibility with some aspects of houses being rebuilt from scratch to trial new ideas and create sturdy walls that could support roofs. You'll see below some of the gorgeous details that were added to the walls, ready to be enhanced by underglaze early next term once they have been fired. 

Check out Crystal's Instagram page @crystalmorrisseydesigns to see her wonderful wheel work!