
Performing Arts

TERM 3 - Victorian State School Spectacular

What a fantastic few days we had at the Victorian State School Spectacular on Thursday 8th, Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of September! The 30 students we took into the city each day worked amazingly hard supported each other through the long days. It was such an achievement to get to Saturday's performances and celebrate the work each student has put in this term to be part of the Mass Choir. A weekend we will remember for a long time! Congratulations to the following students who participated and made us so proud!


Ariella H                          Kaylee P                 Sophie G 

Charlotte J                      Sofia H                    Alice Y 

Georgia J                         Tiahna H                Ella J 

Isla L                                 Marlea S                Delilah F 

Grace M                          Christy K                Ellen S

Zoe B                               Amelia D                 Jade J

Maple Li                         Maddison L            Eden J

Rachel A                        Amelia G                  Zara C

Amelie S                        Ella P                         Chloe P-W

Harper C                        Eva C                         Lucia C


You'll find below the link to a video of highlights from the weekend that was shown at assembly last term.




Junior and Senior Choir

In preparation for the Christmas Concert, the Junior Choir are practicing 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' and Senior Choir are working on 'Jingle Bell Rock' and 'Silent Night'. Your child may like to practice these songs at home with the lyrics they have taken home from choir and the Spotify links below:


'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' https://open.spotify.com/track/1gfeEb8mYwDKCHxrfksvcs?si=21ea761247ea4f98 

'Jingle Bell Rock' 

https://open.spotify.com/track/720btJB2KJfQr7XiNETipD?si=db1565b7dd27419f and 'Silent Night' 

https://open.spotify.com/track/3z63V6OraICzWEyTCcbezn?si=249a528bc5fd481e .


TERM 3 - 'Dreamer and the Rainbow Tiger' Puppet Show

In Term 3, the Prep to Grade 2 students enjoyed an incursion by Dream Puppets, a black light puppet theatre production which followed a character called Dreamer who has been stuck inside for days because of rain. Dreamer has been playing inside in the bedroom, but longs for more adventures and a friend to share them with. When the rain eases a glorious rainbow appears from which a Rainbow Tiger emerges. Dreamer and the magical tiger become friends. As they play together, they create and unveil a wondrous universe which they can explore together. Dreamer and the Rainbow Tiger celebrates how we can use our imaginations to solve difficulties and to share experiences with new friends. 

This show was created during the recent pandemic and echos the challenges that Melbourne children faced during the covid lockdowns.


It was lovely to see many 4 year old kinder students from Burch Memorial Preschool come to enjoy the show as their first 'transition' to school. 

TERM 4 - Junior School Concert

The students in Prep to Grade 2 recently performed the two shows they have been working so hard on since July. Each student shined on the stage, it was a joy to see all their hard work put on display for our 550+ audience!

We thank the many parent helpers who contributed to the art show set up, costumes, props, rehearsal supervision and BBQ. We are so grateful!

Visual Arts

TERM 3 - International Dot Day

In the final week of Term Three in Art, Prep students celebrated 'International Dot Day'. This is a day of global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.

The Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing.

Prep students started with a simple dot in the middle of their page and drew concentric circles around it using paint sticks. The results were vibrant and when put together and displayed in the foyer, really celebrate the message of collaboration and creativity.


TERM 4 - Art Exhibition at P-2 Concert

Many pieces of art were admired at the Junior School Concert on Thursday October 20th. The Grade 1/2 students put in a lot of work to produce either their character or a scene from the show, using pastels, inks, paints and markers.

The Prep students enjoyed looking at live sunflowers and drawing detail and colour matching using pastels, paints and paint pens. They also made a plasticine sunflowers exploring texture using their hands and implements. 


TERM 4 - Buddy Bears

Students in Grade 5 have been busy designing and creating a stuffed teddy bear for their Prep buddy. Lots of new textiles skills have been learnt in the process and I'm sure their new buddy will enjoy a cuddle when they meet for the first time at the next transition session. 



Tell Me About It Podcast – A podcast for kids, by kids.

Our Tell Me About It Podcast episodes are live on SoundCloud!


Link Below:

Tell Me About It Podcast Episodes


In Term Three, the challenge was set, students could make a podcast that people could listen to on the drive to school or home from school.

We researched different types or formats of podcasts and identified different strategies producers used to engage their audience. E.g. Editing in emotive music, sound effects, using engaging tone in their presenting voices, quizzes, script structure/editing and breaking up information into bite sized pieces. We also learnt how to record “clean” audio using different tools and techniques – a near impossible task in a busy school environment but the students did their best.

Students then researched, planned, rehearsed, recorded and edited their podcast to share with the class.

Over 200 podcasts were created across the school, and these were the 20 most voted for podcasts by their peers and teachers.

No names are included anywhere in these podcasts as another focus of our challenge was how to be safe online and ensure we reduce the identifiable information about ourselves that appears online. 

We have incredibly talented, creative and capable children at Wonga Park P.S. All podcast students hope you enjoy their podcast.


Grade 1&2

Last term we made Spoonvilles. 

Using sustainably sources materials, students created kooky characters out of wooden spoons or forks. We designed these spoons on paper before we began building to show how we can visualise a project before commencing.


Grade 3&4

In Term Three we learnt about how to be more sustainable in our designs. Our focus for this task was how to repurpose items into something completely different. Using items sourced from Resource Rescue (an organisation 

Grade 5&6

Using our knowledge about sustainability, we are changing items previously destined for landfill into something new to extend the life of these objects. Repurposing, recycling and reusing to achieve our goal. We have completed our written designs and are about to get building!