Around the classrooms            


Last Term our Preps celebrated100 Days of School! Our Preps had such a fun day of celebrating. The week leading up to the day was learning all about 100. Can you believe we have been at school for that long already?

Our Preps have been loving their AUSLAN time learning together with Mrs Reynolds. They have learnt how to sign the National Anthem and colours. They have been so clever and have now even finished learning the alphabet. 

School Concert- 'There's a Sunflower in My Supper' - We are so proud of our performance! Our Preps worked hard at learning their lines, songs and building the courage to speak into microphones in front of an audience. What a spectacular evening! 




We have been busy in our learning space; singing and dancing in our school concert, celebrating at school; enjoying our pizza dinner, pancake breakfast and lego incursion, and now swimming each day this week-never a dull moment.



Congratulations to our 3&4 students for running such a successful CBL Challenge last term. The money raised will go towards the 'Welcome to Country' garden to be build in the River Garden at the front of the school. Parents were treated to a great afternoon of fun, including watching a performance of the song 'I am Australian' one verse sung in Yawuru language and one verse signed in AUSLAN. 

Students have also recently enjoyed outdoor experiences including a day of indigenous learning at Clifford Park and more recently a day at CERES learning all about our connections to the environment.



In the first half of this term, students took action to promote reconciliation in the community. There was a high level of engagement and motivation to complete these projects. Some examples of the change they pioneered were fundraising for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, writing letters to our local governments asking for flags and flag poles and writing to Mrs Crawford to request that totems be allocated to each sport House. We are so proud of our students for the passion that they displayed throughout this Challenge.

Currently, students are identifing and exploring every day scientific change through experiments. The students are greatly enjoying this area of learning. 

We are eagerly awaiting for our camp to begin...another exciting adventure awaits us!