From the Learning Specialists

Terri Gioia &  Cindy Norman

Using grit and resilience to get results


It takes a lot of effort to achieve a learning goal, we need to work hard and push ourselves through, around and over obstacles to achieve them. 


We need to demonstrate ‘grit’ to get the job done. What is grit? Grit is sustained interest in and effort toward achieving something. A healthy dose of grit helps us to achieve our goals.


Resilience is our ability to bounce back after we have struggled or failed. It is being able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and then get back to the business of pursuing our goal. It involves optimism and a growth mindset, there is no room for ‘I can’t’ and only ‘I can’ attitudes will help us get there.


Students who use grit and resilience to help them achieve their goals;

  • embrace challenges
  • persist in the face of setbacks
  • see effort as the path to progress
  • learn from feedback
  • and find lessons and inspiration in their journey.


Things you can do to help your child achieve their goals-

  1. Model a growth mindset. When your children see you setting goals, overcoming setbacks, and achieving success you are reinforcing a growth mindset. You also show them what grit and resilience look like in the process.
  2. Ask your child to share their learning goals with you. Discuss the mindset they need to use to help them get there and, ask them if they have enough grit and resilience to last the journey.
  3. Help your child figure out the hard part of the problem they are experiencing. Breaking it down makes it easier to tackle. It also helps them determine which parts are within their control.

‘Humans are creatures of habit. If you quit when things get tough, it gets that much easier to quit the next time. On the other hand, if you force yourself to push through it, the grit begins to grow in you.’ Travis Bradberry