
Positive Behaviours for Learning

This term we are continuing to imbed Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) with the students and school community. PBL is a framework that we are using to teach the children about expected behaviours in different parts of the school. The children will have a weekly social skills lesson on a Monday identifying a specific social skill we would like the children to learn and practice around our school expectations of 






We are beginning Term 4 with a focus on RESPONSIBILITY and the expectation of “Care for the Environment and Resources”. The children have been practicing role playing what this looks like in different areas of our school such as packing up Math’s games and equipment carefully and putting them away where they belong. Packing up sports equipment properly and using the equipment safely, packing away our lunch boxes and keeping the spaces clean and packing our school bags at the end of the day.  Next week our focus will be on KINDNESS and the expectation of “Include others”. You can talk to your children at home about these expectations and how they can demonstrate these behaviours at home as well.


SFS Twilight Market and Art show

We are super excited and the count down to our Twilight market and Art show has begun. 


The Twilight market/art show is on Thursday 3rd November from 5pm until 8pm.


 There are a variety of stalls booked in including clothing, homeware, jewellery, some delicious food trucks and so much more. Make sure you invite your family and friends. Only 4 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!



World Mental Health Day

This Monday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. It is really important that we continue to advocate and prioritise the mental health of all. After the 2020 pandemic, we have a need more than ever to help promote our mental health. It is also crucial that we have conversations with our children about how they are feeling and encourage them to share how they are feeling with you.

Here are some other ideas of ways to promote your children’s mental health.

  • Discuss feelings and offer methods to emotionally regulate, such as a "calm down zone" at home.
  • Check-in with your child throughout the week and ask how they’re feeling. 
  • Take some time out of your day for some mindfulness activities such as meditation.
  • Consider starting a “worry journal” to note down anything that might be troubling them.
  • Be frank and share your own worries and concerns - leading by example is a proven teaching method for modelling the behaviour for children. 
  • Practice some Brain breaks at home. Brain breaks are mental and physical activities to break up a period of concentration. Here is a link to some suggestions of Brain breaks you can try at home. https://mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/2028/brain-breaks.pdf

Action for Happiness calendar

The theme for October’s Action for is Optimistic October

The focus is on being optimistic in our day to day life. Being optimistic is all about looking for the positives in each day, looking on the “brighter side of life” and seeing the glass as “half full” and not “half empty”. Try some of these actions with the family.

If you have any questions or concerns about the wellbeing of your child please do not hesitate to contact me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader



Positive Quote for the Day
Positive Quote for the Day