Learning and Teaching



Congratulations Andi
Congratulations Andi

Congratulations Andi on your achievements in Cross Country.  Your progress in District, Regional, State and National are to be commended and recognized across our school community.  The presentation is a momento to remember this special time in your life at SFS.  You have made us very proud and we value your contribution.






On Wednesday our Grade 5/6 students completed their Winter Interschool Sports by attending the Lightning Premiership where they competed in their sport against a number of other schools in our District. Luckily the weather held off and the students had a great time with some great results! The Boys’ Basketball team managed to reach the finals and came 3rd for the day!!


Thank you to all the staff that attended and made this day possible for our students even though the weather was freezing.




This week the Seniors have been focussing on tennis. They were practising skills such as forearm and backhand amongst other tennis skills.



Now that Interschool Sports has finished, Grade 5/6 will be involved in House Competitions for a few weeks until swimming begins. Grade 3/4 will complete their Winter Interschool Sports Rotation so that they are familiar with the sports once they are in Grade 5/6 and have to choose their sport for Interschool Sports. Then they also will be involved in House Competitions.




Senior swimming will commence in Week 6 on Monday and Tuesday. Students will attend Casey Race on Mondays and Tuesdays in Week 6, 7, 8 and 10. On the last Tuesday in Week 10 they will actually participate in a double lesson. One will be a swimming lesson and the other will be a water safety/fun lesson where students will need to bring clothes that they can wear on top of their bathers in the pool. Further information will be provided shortly on Operoo and we ask parent to give permission so that numbers can be finalised with Casey Race. A reminder that swimming is a compulsory part of the PE Program and only students with medical certificates will be exempt.


During these weeks students will not be participating in Friday sports as they will need to spend time in their Leaarning Space in lieu of the time spent at swimming on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Grade 5 will also begin their Bike Education Lessons in Week 6. They will need to bring their bikes to school on a Friday in Week 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Further information will be provided to parents via Operoo shortly.


For later in the term, we have also organised a variety of sporting activities for the Seniors to look forward to: Senior Soccer Clinic, Senior Football Clinic and Grade 5/6 Skateboarding Clinics. Further information will be provided to parents and students via Operoo and Morning Gathering as we get closer to these events.




As parents have already been informed, unfortunately due to lack of swimming instructors, Casey Race is not able to cater for our Junior swimming lessons this year. However, as Christine has already mentioned, we have been lucky enough to work with Casey Race and be able to offer the Juniors three water safety lessons beginning in Week 6. Students will attend on Mondays in Week 6, 8 and 10. Further information will be provided via Operoo shortly. A reminder to parents that Water Safety/Swimming is an important part of the PE Curriculum and all students are expected to attend. Only students with medical certificates will be exempt.



We have also been lucky enough to organise a Water Safety incursion for the Juniors: Meet a Lifeguard Program run by Lifesaving Victoria. There will be no cost to parents and students will be involved in this on Monday 28th November.



Later in the term, Juniors will also have another football clinic run by the coaches from AFL Schools Program Australia. We know the students enjoyed their first clinic held last term so we are sure they will have fun once again!


Lulli & Giuliana

PE & Sports Program