Education in Faith

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus healed ten lepers of a disgusting and horrible disease in this week’s Gospel, yet only one came back to thank Jesus and give praise to God. Jesus wondered where the others were and why they did not think to praise God for their healing.

If they were asked, it is possible these nine lepers who chose not to express their gratitude to Jesus all had some reason or excuse. Perhaps they forgot or were too tired or could not find their way back.


This story is a lesson about faith and reminds us that faith is sometimes found in unlikely places. Ten people afflicted with leprosy cry out to Jesus. Struck with pity, Jesus heals all 10. However, only one is described as glorifying God and returning to thank Jesus. The one who returns is a Samaritan, a foreigner. In the Jewish circles in which Jesus lived, Samaritans were looked down upon because of the differences between the two communities in their observance of Judaism. It is significant, therefore, that Jesus commends the Samaritan for his faith, which has been his salvation. Throughout Luke's Gospel, faith is found in surprising places.


Another lesson for us in this Gospel has to do with salvation. All 10 of the lepers were given the gift of healing, but in his gratitude to God for this gift, the Samaritan found salvation. Our salvation is found in recognizing the gifts we have been given and knowing to whom we must offer our thanks.


Discussion Starters

  • Can you think of nine different reasons why people do not thank others who have done them a kind service?
  • How are you with saying thank you? How are you with writing thank you notes? How are you with feeling lucky and thankful for all your blessings?
  • I’m especially thankful to God for……
  • A common saying is that we only appreciate something when we do not have it or when it’s not working right or when it hurts or is broken.
  • How often do you think about your legs or your eyes or your ears? Does your awareness of their role in your life increase after you spend time with a person who is deaf or blind, or who uses a wheelchair? Why is that?
  • How often do you appreciate electricity? or plumbing? or cars? What would your life be like without these conveniences?

Sacramental News

To assist us with the administration and preparation of the Sacraments for 2023 we ask you to please accept/decline on Operoo, to indicate the Sacrament your child will be celebrating in 2023


Dates for Sacraments, Parent and Child Workshops will be published on our school app, calendar and newsletter closer to the date of the Sacrament. 


Reconciliation : Baptised Catholics in Year 3 or above.


Sacrament of First Eucharist : Baptised Catholics in or above who have received their Reconciliation.


Sacrament of Confirmation Year 6 ONLY Catholics, who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Eucharist.


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose







Welcome back to Term 4!!! It will be a big term for Mini Vinnies this term. We have our nails/temporary tattoos/hair spray stall at our SFS Twilight Market on Thursday November 3rd. We hope many students will be attending our stall to get their nails or hair done or to have a temporary tattoo put on!  Then we will be busy getting ready for our Christmas Hamper and Toys Appeal which SFS always supports so well, helping others in our community celebrate Christmas. And don’t forget points are allocated to Houses for hamper items and toys brought in during the appeal.



Teachers have continued giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given in the last week of Term 3 were:





BOSCO – 27        


Congratulations to MacKillop! What a great effort!!


So the total points for the Community Spirit Award so far this year:


1st                   TERESA                   3291                           

2nd                  MACKILLOP          3011   

3rd                   PATRICK                 2806   

4th                   BOSCO                    2779


Well done Teresa for still being in the lead!!! But let’s see who will be leading next week!!!


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies