From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

Welcome to the end of week 5.  It has been a busy week as we approach the end of the year. With so many events occurring between now and the end of year, please remember to stay in touch on our socials and contact the school if you have any questions.


Landscape gardeners are currently working on a number of gardening projects around the school.  The front of the school is looking fantastic. Senior students are playing an active part in assisting with watering and tendering to the new plants.


Meetings have been conducted with local elders and plans are being drawn up for a yarning circle and dance pit at the front of the school.  This will be a special place in our school where all students can come together and celebrate culture.  Work is expected to begin in coming weeks.


The library will receive a long overdue upgrade next week with the delivery of new furniture.  This will transform the learning space in the library and support a dynamic learning environment for children K-6.


During the week, I had the pleasure of attending the 3/4 camp at Wedderburn.  The children were actively involved in a number of activities which challenged them physically and emotionally.  Some of the activities included rock climbing, giant swings and archery.  I think we have some modern-day Robin Hood’s in the making. Congratulations to the staff and students who attended.  I know they would have slept well when they got home.


Are you moving next year?


If your child will not be returning in 2023 or will be starting late, please send an email to as soon as possible so that we can make staffing plans for next year.

This information is vital in our planning process for classing 2023.


I have recently needed to manage a small number of incidents where parents have approached students in the playground to question, discipline or berate them for incidents that have allegedly occurred with their own children. This action is extremely confronting for the students involved and completely inappropriate.


I understand the emotion that can be involved if you feel your child has been mistreated by a peer, but this is a reminder that under no circumstances can students be approached by parents in this manner. Should this occur, I will need to consider issuing a formal Inclosed Lands Warning or full ban from entering the school site for a period of up to twelve months. 


Of course, I would prefer not to take this action and ask parents to support this request.


Should you have concerns with any aspect of your child’s welfare at school, please contact the front office so that my staff can investigate, support and manage your concern appropriately.


Thank you for your understanding and support.