This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
We are all looking forward to our first Twilight Sports back at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track where parents can come along, socialise and watch your children compete in many fun sporting activities with a little healthy House Colour competition.
- Twilight Sports on Monday 17 October (optional early dismissal at 2pm) commencing at 4.15 at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track.
See attached P&F flyer for more information. - Rough Program of events
4 - 4.15pm Students arrive and sit in house areas
4.15pm Welcome band intro
4.20pm Sport Captains run the chants with students (as warm up)
4.30pm Event 1- Mixed Circular Relay (2 students from each year level (boy/girl) represents their house).
4.45pm Year 6 Relay (along straight)
4.50-4.55pm Event 2 - Rotational events begin - Students move to their rotational events as per the table below.
The rotational activities will be positioned around the track (as highlighted below). Spectators are welcome to follow their child (but please remember to keep a reasonable distance so that students are not distracted from their event).
Year 6 students will run each event assisted by teachers.
6.45pm Staff activity - Tug of War v House Captains
6.50pm Toddler Event - running
6.55pm Year 6 Boys Distance event - this is an optional event for year 6
but encouraged. (Trophy winner)
7.00pm Year 6 Girls Distance event- this is an optional event for year 6
but encouraged. (trophy winner)
7.05pm Final Chants (scoring points awarded)
7.10pm Final speeches from House Captains
Sport Captains Announce winners
7.15pm Dismissal & Pack Up - Parents come and collect students from teachers
Uniform Supplier Change
This service is now open and available to all St James families.
- A store located in Bayswater
- Online ordering option
- A weekly delivery service to St James for us to hand out to students
- Slightly cheaper prices
- All supplies, except for the sports polo tops
2023 Class Groupings
We will commence the process of grouping students into their 2023 class groups later on this term. Parents who have a special request must have this in writing (email is acceptable) to me by this Friday 28 October. Requests must be clear and based on student well-being, socialisation or specific learning issues. We do not take requests for specific teachers.
Please keep in mind that the two classes in each level are usually located next to each other and do work closely together at times. It is also good for students to mix with different students from within their cohort rather than maintain a small social circle.
Mission Month - Socktober Event
This October is Mission Month and our school will be hosting ‘Socktober’ on Friday the 28th. This is an event that is run by Catholic Mission and many schools around Australia are participating. The main focus this year is to raise money to help Ethiopian families suffering from food shortages and malnourishment. All students are welcome to wear free-dress in exchange for a gold coin donation. The theme is to wear crazy socks and/or soccer gear. There will be fun events throughout the day such as a soccer shootout and teachers vs students soccer game. $5 dollars will be raised every time a goal is scored in the game. Our goal is to raise $432 dollars. We hope you will join us in supporting this wonderful cause for Mission Month this October!
Fete Raffle Ticket Update
Raffle ticket booklets for the fete went home with the eldest child from each family last week. Each family has 10 tickets to sell and they are $2.00 each. Note that 50% of all money raised from the sale of the raffle tickets comes straight back to our St James community!
Families who sell all of their raffle tickets and have their books and money returned to the school by this Friday 21st October will go in the running to win a $50 Coles voucher. We will draw the winning family at assembly this Friday.
We will have a second draw for another voucher on the following Friday 28 October, so those families who have returned their sold books by this Friday will be in both draws.
Please return all tickets to the office with money in an envelope attached. All raffle tickets (preferably sold!) must be returned to the school office by Friday November 4th as all tickets need to be accounted for!
Claire Doherty
Prep 2023 Transition
Our Transition program commences this Wednesday morning at 9.15am. While the students are with next year's teachers and other staff, parents will have the opportunity to listen to Carley McGauran. We have engaged the services of Carley with a specific focus on commencing school.
A few more updates:
- Further to our email on Friday, Vic is seeking families to help out for Farm Duty - please email if you are able to assist.
- Tomorrow night, there is a Parent Information evening for children preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) in the Coghlan Centre at St John's. It starts at 7pm.
- The Visiting School nurse will be here tomorrow, Tuesday 18 October.
- Please complete the Operoo swimming forms.
- A reminder to check that your WWCC is up to date.
- Marathon Club is back in full swing, weather permitting.
- P&F Dad's Night Out - Friday 21st October 7pm at Mitcham Social - flyers to come home this week.
- Twilight Working Bee at St James - Friday 4 November 4 pm - 7pm - can you spare some time to help out? Please mark this one in your diary. Details to come.
Enjoy the week ahead.