Principal's Post

Essential Services Assembly

For many years the College has reflected and acknowledged the work of our Essential Services at the first assembly in Term 4. The Walsh shootings of Steven Tynan and Damian Eyre in 1988 continues to have an enormous impact on the Victoria Police Community and the Victorian Public. The assembly is called the Steven Tynan Memorial service in honour of the Old Collegian who was 22 years old at the time. Guests from Victoria Police, Fire Services and Paramedics, mainly old collegians of the College, attend our traditional service and reflection.

Speech Night

Speech Night will be held on Wednesday 12th October where we celebrate the accomplishments of many students in our College Community. The evening will highlight the talents of our students in academic achievement, performing and visual arts, sport, and cultural activities. This hopefully sets a standard that, in the future, all students will find aspirational. The major academic performers at each year level will be acknowledged on the evening. During assemblies and special events throughout the year, many more students at the respective year levels were acknowledged for Academic Excellence, Christian Leadership and Determination and Persistence. The Spirit of The Oblate Awards considers the contribution all students make to College life. Staff always have the difficult task of narrowing the many worthy recipients to a small number of students at each year level. We will also present all Year 12 students on the night and thank them for their contribution to the Mazenod College community and wish them well.

Year 12 Finish

The Year 12 students will conduct their final assembly on Friday 14th October. This tradition looks at the collective contribution of the Year 12 cohort and acknowledges the dedication of staff not only at Year 12 but all who have been part of their formation over the six years. It is a day to express gratitude to the staff, students, and parents/carers, for their commitment and generosity, which establishes the culture that is revered by so many past and present Mazenod community members. We wish all our students every success with their exams, their career aspirations, and their future lives as Old Collegians, spiritually, vocationally, and pastorally.

School Fees 2023

At the end of last term, the School Advisory Council met to discuss school fees for 2023.  It was accepted that school fees for 2023 would be increased by 5.05%. The annual fees effective from 2023 will be:


One Student:                                      $8,320 per annum

Two Students:                                    $14,560 per annum (25% discount off second child fees)

Three Students or more:                $18,720 per annum (50% discount off third child fees)

IT Levy/Laptop Program:               $500 per annum

Building Fund Donation:                $400

Building Works Stages 1-6

Stage 1 of the building works included a New Canteen, Dining Hall, Staff Lounge, Work Area and Deck, and two Religious Education Classrooms in the Heritage Corridor. These works are now complete and have been handed over by the builder. The current building program (Stage 2) is progressing well with the Learning Diversity Centre, Health Centre, Oblate Hall Bridge and Middle School Toilets on track for practical completion on 11th January 2023.


Stages 3-6 include the redevelopment of general learning spaces, staff work areas and corridors in the Main Building, for Years 8, 9 and 10. Learning spaces will be refurbished to enhance flexibility, improve surveillance and spread of natural light, improved aesthetic, acoustics and thermal comfort and a stronger connection to nature. Outdoor-covered gathering spaces will be added to provide for outdoor learning connection and passive recreation, whilst removing lockers from internal corridors to enable break-out learning opportunities. These works will be staged to limit disruption and are due to commence in late January 2023.


Responsible and sensitive management of financial considerations including thorough preparation and financial planning has served the College well and we are in a sound position to continue the build with confidence. The support of the Building Fund component of the fee structure is critical to the College’s continued development and your continued support in this area is needed and appreciated.


All the best, 





Dr Paul Shannon
