Senior Report (5/6)

Wominjeka from the GUMNUT COMMUNITY - Tom, Tien & Emma

August News!

New Sports Equipment brings new responsibilities!

The Senior school wants to shout out to Narelle, our wonderful PE teacher. Narelle has managed to get SO much new sports equipment for all students to play with during lunch and recess. Together with Narelle, our fantastic senior students have put together a roster that promotes values of kindness and brilliance to ensure our equipment is looked after properly. Students from 5/6 will assist with the borrowing system to ensure that all equipment is returned after it has been used. We are proud of our leaders for stepping up so that all students can share the joy of our new equipment.

M.A.D Club!

(Make a Difference) 

Every Friday in the Middle and Senior Community, the M.A.D club meets. 

"What is M.A.D club?" - Written by M.A.D club, with assistance from Tom


M.A.D stands for Make a Difference. The M.A.D club allows students to volunteer their thoughts and energy to help to make a difference in our community. Students have been sharing their ideas of how we can fundraise, donate and assist within our local community and beyond!


Our first mission is to raise funds for the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Our M.A.D clubbers decided that a good fundraiser would be a "Jellybean Guessing Game". M.A.D club teacher Tom was instructed to buy a large jar and to fill it up with Jellybeans. Students and staff at our school have all been having fun trying to guess how many jellybeans are in the jar. The person who guesses correctly (or is closest to the correct answer) will win the entire jar! (YUM!). Each guess costs 50 cents, and ALL money will go to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, the student's chosen charitable cause. 


The winners will be announced NEXT FRIDAY at assembly, so there is still time if you haven't had your guess yet! Students will continue to take guesses at the start of recess every day. Good luck!


M.A.D club is signing off for now :)


As a learning community, we have been exploring ‘Growing Our Minds’…

The Grow Your Mind podcast aims to provide engaging, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies for children, schools and families. It is supported by the 'Be You Foundation' as well as Beyond Blue.

During our GEM sessions, our 5/6 students have flourished, writing notes and taking parts in discussions around the different topics that the podcast has had to offer. In recent weeks we have listened to episodes about Friendship, Gratitude, Courage and How to B.O.B (Be of Benefit to ourselves). 

The podcasts have sparked our students, allowing opportunities to share thoughts and feelings freely whilst developing key traits of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. 

Learning through PLAY!!

Our Project Based Learning (PBL) work has focussed on Play this term. Our 5/6 Students have worked with our 3/4 students during these PBL sessions. All students have experienced 'play' across four areas: up-cycling, construction, digital, and old and new toys. Students have planned and blogged about their ideas and creations. We are all so excited to see what we finish with!


Kid's Voice!

At Wollert Primary School, we embrace change! Both 5/6A and 5/6B have had some re-arrangements. Students shared their opinions about how our learning spaces look, focusing on the seating arrangements within the class. 


Both 5/6 classes have created flexible learning spaces that are fantastic for whole-class activities and small group work. Our new furniture has fantastically complemented these spaces! Our learning spaces have become even better! Thanks to all that helped with the new layout; it is BRILLIANT.

Happy Birthday to all!
Happy Birthday to all!

10 August    Lena S turned 11 (56B)

11 August    Sahib S is turned 11 (56A)


Important Reminder: The ANGAHOOK CAMP is on Wednesday 12th October to Friday 14th October; more details to come shortly.