Safety Corner Report

By Eva Mendoza

OGEA coordinates with Oak Grove School District and meets regularly to discuss safety concerns in respect to facilities, classrooms, and more. Help OGEA keep your classrooms and campuses safe and clean. Document with photos and email to our Safety committee.


Hello OGEA Members! 


If you or the students need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), please email your school secretary to place an order with the Warehouse department. Please include the sizes that you would like to receive. 


Per our contract, you have access to gloves, masks (N95, KN95, Cloth), Face Shields, Hand Sanitizer, Alcohol Wipes, Personal Hygiene, & Feminine Hygiene Products. 


In addition, the district does cover a refresher program for CPR; if you are interested, contact the OGSD human resources department. 






Lastly, MOT reported that Stipe, Frost/Indigo, and Bernal will be closed sites during the summer for repairs. 


Please continue to report your safety concerns to this link: