From the Principal

Education Week: Open Night

This week we celebrated Education Week in style. 

We have placed a great importance on re-connecting our school community and celebrating the great things we do it at Langwarrin Park Primary School.

It was a pleasure and proud moment to walk around the school on our Open Night, witnessing parents and carers engaging with their child's teachers and being able to view work that has been completed. We hope that as the year goes on, there will be more opportunities for parents to be engaged with their child's learning.


2023 Foundation Enrolments

We had a number of prospective families attend our Open Night and they were all impressed with what they saw.

If you have a child starting Foundation next year and have not collected an enrolment form yet, please pop into the office and get one.


School Review

Every four years it is a DET requirement to write a new school strategic plan. We are now at the completion of our current strategic plan and in the initial stages of beginning our school review process. This is a very thorough process and involves many stages of work. Currently we are working on the Pre-Review School Evaluation. This work involves evaluating the goals and targets set out in our current strategic plan. Very shortly will be seeking your input into what you think our school highlights have been over the last four years. 

As we move further into the school review process, we will be continuing to seek your input, because our new school strategic plan needs to be reflective of the current needs of our school community.


School Reports

Your child's Semester 1 school report will be sent home on the final day of Term 2. Teachers spend a considerable amount of time collecting and evaluating student assessments across Term 1 and 2. You will have the opportunity to discuss your child's academic report at the beginning of Term 3. We will let you know exact dates when they are finalised.


Election Day BBQ

We are lucky to have a sensational school community at Langy Park. Last Saturday we had a massive band of helpers who were responsible for cooking hundreds of sausages, onions and egg and bacon rolls. We also had a huge number of families provided baked goods for the day and they were all sold by lunchtime on Saturday.

All these efforts culminated in raising approximately $3710. This will go towards updating our take home reader library with decodable readers.

We look forward to doing this all again in November for the State Election.


Grade 6 Camp

I was fortunate enough to attend the Grade 6 camp at, 'The Summit' last week. It was a great way for me to spend some quality time with our Grade 6 students, teachers and parents. School camps are such an important part of a child's education and those who attend, reap huge benefits as a result! A big thanks to the Grade 6 team for organising this for our students.


Pop Up Vaccination Clinic

I advertised on Thursday (26th May), that we will be hosting a DET approved pop up vaccination clinic on Saturday 4th June between 9.30-11.30am. 

This will run in the gym and PFC room and members of the general public are also welcome.


As always, thank you for all the work you do to support your child's learning. You play a massive role with their learning and we are doing everything possible to develop and maintain positive partnerships with you.


Have a happy and safe weekend everyone.
