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Students of the Week




For the fantastic attempts you make at sounding out the words you require when writing a sentence. Great work Sam!



For being a flexible and open minded mathematician who is always up for a challenge. Keep up the wonderful effort, Isaac! 



For using a variety of creative vocabulary in your detailed reflection about our reptile incursion. Your description of the ‘squishy’ frog you held was fantastic. Keep up the great writing Madalen! 



For being a kind, respectful and responsible member of 1/2AM. You always listen and help others. Keep it up Riley!



For writing a detailed and creative narrative titled ‘Little Misfortune’. You have a wild imagination Fernando!



For the independence shown in completing a graphic organiser to show similarities and differences between frogs and toads.  Well done Ava.



For his knowledgeable contributions to our inquiry discussions on food chains.  Thank you Alfie for thinking creatively and deeply and for sharing your insightful comments. 



For continuing to try his best in all his learning and for his engaging presentation about how if he was Prime Minister he would add an extra day to the weekend to play on the computer! Keep up the great work Lucien! 



For your beautiful manners. You always speak nicely to your classmates and teachers.  Well done Christian. 


Di Bartolo

For always demonstrating a keen interest in her learning.  This was evident when Samara shared and documented her thinking to complete her inquiry research learning about a zoo animal. Well done Samara.


Muscara (FLW)

For always contributing very well to class discussions in italiano. Bravissimo Patrizio!


Fairbanks (1/2AM)

For always showing great enthusiasm and participation in italiano. Bravissimo Hunter I’m!


Mirabelli (3/4BP)

For always showing a positive attitude towards her Italian language learning. Bravissima Makayla!


Brazel (5/6OS)

For being an enthusiastic and positive learner in italiano. Bravissima Ava!




Congratulations Tess, for your amazing work with addition. You can solve problems using efficient strategies. Well done,  you are such a Mathematician. 

Year F - Year 1/2

This week in F-2, there was excitement all around as we engaged in lots of new learning opportunities and experiences! 


As mathematicians, those of us in Foundation tuned in to Addition. As thinkers, we have been focusing on breaking up numbers using part/part/whole and finding the ways different numbers can be broken up, such as 6 and 1, 1 and 6, 3 and 4, 4 and 3. We have been listening to addition stories, making number sentences and solving the problem with different materials. This week we acted out getting passengers on the FLW bus. There were 10 chairs available, we rolled the dice and that many passengers hopped on the bus. We continued this and used our addition skills to add and count the total number of passengers on the bus. It was so much fun! We are also continuing to count towards 100 Days of School, and today is Day 72! 


In 1/2, we tuned in to the concept of Shape. As thinkers and researchers, we began exploring different two-dimensional shapes. We had time and the opportunity to make different shapes using Geoboards, sorting and describing them and their features. We discovered that triangles must have three straight sides but they don’t have to be equal. We also found out about quadrilaterals and drew and described all the shapes in the quadrilateral family, such as a rectangle, rhombus and trapezium. Next week we will begin investigating different three-dimensional shapes. 

As part of our inquiry into How do living things change and grow?’, we were lucky enough to have Ben from Reptile Encounters visit with lots of interesting creatures to teach us all about them. As researchers, we looked closely at a stick insect, tree frog, lizard, goanna, turtle, snake and crocodile. We all had the opportunity to touch them and some of us were lucky enough and brave enough, to hold them! As communicators, we shared all of our wonderings and questions and listened carefully as we found out about how many eggs stick insects lay, how turtles breathe underwater and what goannas eat. Afterwards, we wrote all about our experiences and documented our amazing discoveries. 

In the coming weeks, we will sort out all of our thinking about Living Things as we continue to research our chosen living thing, write descriptions, non-fiction texts and information reports about them and create posters, books and 3D models. Those of us in Foundation will begin designing and constructing habitats for different living things.

As members of a Catholic community, we continued to demonstrate our skills as researchers later in the week with a visit from Ian Vergel, who is a seminarian at St Fidelis Parish. Ian was our expert and was able to answer many of our wonderings and questions about Forgiveness and about our whole school Scripture, ‘The Prodigal Son’.

It was definitely a wonderful week and we look forward to another week of being amazing thinkers, researchers, collaborators, communicators and self-managers! 

Foundation to Year Two Team, 

Leanne Wenckoswki, Alycia Marsico, Stefanie Carriera and Alexandra Phillips. 

Year  3/4

We can’t believe how quickly the Term has flown!


As readers, we are learning to identify the similarities and differences between two things. We read a non-fiction text and compared the differences by recording the facts from the text. We record our thinking using a graphic organiser such as a three-way column table or Venn diagram. Take a look at what we found out about Lions and Tigers!

As mathematicians, we are learning to read and create maps. We use directional language such as North, South, East, and West and features on the map such as landmarks, to help us accurately give directions. We embedded STEM into our learning this week, by using the Beebot maps to create and record directions. On our maps, we recorded the grid references such as A3, C7 etc. to help us locate landmarks and wrote directions to move from one location to another. 

As members of a faith community, we engaged in the Bible story ‘The Prodigal Son’. The Step Inside thinking routine helped us to step inside the characters’ point of view. We investigated the two sons and the father in the story and their feelings towards each other. Take a look at our thinking!

Year 3/4 Teachers 

Belinda Panzarino, Katarina Davidson & Graham Troy 

Year 5/6

It’s hard to believe we are already up to Week 7 in the Term! It’s fantastic to see the students of the SLA learning with great focus and a positive attitude.


Last Tuesday, we were fortunate to be visited by the Moreland Proactive Police Team. The focus of the presentation was cyberbullying and being safe online. We revisited what we need to be mindful of when interacting with others online, and important actions we can all do to remain safe. Both the students and teachers agreed that the presentation was informative and engaging.  Please read the following reflections from our students:

  • We learnt that lots of people engage in unsafe conversations without knowing. It’s really easy to fake who you are online. Anthony (5/6CG)
  • It was very good to go over the actions that we can do online to stay safe. Dimitri (5/6GG)
  • I found it very helpful to learn about ‘The Kid’s Helpline’. It’s good to know that you can speak to someone if you’re worried about something. Maya (5/6VC)
  • The presentation was a good idea because it helped raise awareness of how to stay safe online because we can all find ourselves in dangerous situations. Gisele S (5/6OS)
  • I learnt to always be aware of my surroundings and to be careful of oversharing information online. Alejandro (5/6OS)
  • The presentation refreshed my mind as to what I need to do to stay safe online. The presenters explained everything well. Simon (5/6VC)

As we continue to work through ‘The Resilience Project’ the focus this past week has been on identifying and understanding positive and negative thoughts. We explored different situations that may trigger a range of thoughts and emotions. As thinkers, we compared positive and negative ways of reacting to a situation. Using our Student Journals, we illustrated a scenario and reflected on it from both a positive and negative perspective. It was agreed that the challenge for each of us in certain situations, is to change a negative into a positive!


As part of our Inquiry this term, we are developing our research skills to explore how “Living Things Adapt to Changing Environments”. As collaborators and communicators, we have been continuing to work in groups to research our chosen animal and design an engaging presentation in which we can share our findings. We are all looking forward to learning from each other, about the different animals and the ways in which they adapt to their changing environments.


We are looking forward to another busy and productive week in Year 5/6.

Kind regards, 

Michelle Casamento, Annette Gasbarro, Olivia Sargent and Viviana Clarke

5/6 Teaching Team