Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.

L & T AND LITERACY - Vira Pirrotta


The celebration of learning is more than just displays of student work. It is a time for students to share and reflect on their learning with an authentic audience. It allows them to present their learning to their parents, peers and the school community.  


Our Art show was our first celebration of learning this year. This term the students will present their learning from our Science Inquiry Unit and the Resilience Project. 


The Celebration of Learning is a wonderful opportunity to see your child’s learning and the great learning across the school from Foundation to Year 6. 



As stated in last week’s newsletter here is the reporting timeline. 

Thursday 16th June - Celebration of Learning @ 3:30 pm 

Monday 20th June - Reports made available to parents 

Thursday 23rd June- Parent/Teacher/Child Conversations 



Excursions, camps and incursions are an integral part of our school’s curriculum. They enable students to explore, extend and enrich their learning. Students have the opportunity to reinforce, complement and extend the learning opportunities beyond the classroom. They engage with experts and are immersed in engaging learning experiences that challenge and extend their thinking. After these learning experiences, the students unpack the learning and present their learning in different ways. 


As part of the learning from the 2022 camp experience, the Year 5 and 6 students published a book.  See link below



Other learning experiences have included:

  • Cultural Infusion Indegious Incursion 
  • Waters Watchers 
  • Bully Zero  
  • ANZAC RSL Presentation  
  • Melbourne Zoo visit and lesson  
  • Reptile Encounter Incursion  
  • CERES  

We look forward to the next semester of learning.  

FAMILY ENGAGEMENT - Leanne Wenckowski

NUMERACY - Colleen Monaghan

Thank you to all the parents who braved the cold conditions last week to come along to the Maths session, Thursday afternoon. It was so good to see the smiles on your children’s faces as they came in to work with you. For any parents who missed the session if you email me at cmonaghan@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au and I will send the presentation as a pdf.


The one thing you can do as a parent to support your child is to keep communicating with your child’s teacher. Ask what your child needs support with and continue to attend sessions we run to learn about the language, materials and expectations at your child’s year level.


Around the classes this week, we saw Foundations exploring how to partition numbers and the different ways they can make a number.

The juniors are exploring 2D and 3D shapes and finding out how to sort and classify these shapes using their properties.

The 3/4 students are working on their mapping skills and locating objects and places using grids, legends, keys and simple scales.


The 5/6 have been continuing their work with addition and have also been investigating statistics and how to gather data and graph this data using a variety of representations. 

SPORT & PE - Michael Jennings

SSV Codes of Conduct For Students, Parents, Spectators, Teachers & Coaches

School Sport Vic follows and enforces codes of conduct for all participants in SSV events whether they are students, teachers, coaches, sporting officials, parents, spectators or administrators.  


Parent Code of Conduct