Community Connections

Rotary Peace Pole
On Friday 10th June we were finally able to unveil our Rotary Peace Pole within the St Brigid’s cross garden in front of the convent. Thank you to Loreto Cannon for facilitating, Ralph Wellington and the team for instalment, and Lucy Collins for catering. If you are at the school please feel free to visit the Convent front garden to see the pole that celebrates the hopes and dreams of the entire human family. The languages on the pole state May Peace Prevail On Earth. Local dignitaries included Rotarians, Father J.B. Dang and Ms Rosy Tran from Our Lady of La Vang Shrine, our local Vietnamese Catholic Church, Mayor Cr Jim Memeti (Dandenong Ward), Mr Meng Heang (ALP) and Dr Tien Kieu, Victorian MP.