Alumni & Assistant Principal Wellbeing

Emma Neville
Assistant Principal Wellbeing 7-9 & Alumni
Something quite special about being a past student at Killester and now I am very proud to be the Assistant Principal: Students 7-9. I always feel very privileged to have attended Killester and share my passion and appreciation for the school with the next generation.
Post Covid, my role in Wellbeing has been very busy but it has been fabulous to be able to work with them face to face with our students again. We have been faced with some new challenges that students are experiencing and always striving to foster their wellbeing and sense of belonging.
We are continually looking at ways of improving the college and one small goal this term was to form a ‘Safeguarding Committee’. This is partly in response to the new Child Safe Standards (as of 1st July) and includes staff and students. This will be a great way to hear the voices of our students and encourage them to be involved in decision making. We will kick off next term and look forward to seeing more student voice and agency in our school.
Mr Peter O’Neil and myself have been working on a ‘Killester College Inclusivity Statement’ which we will officially launch sometime next term. The college staff will work with our students in engaging them in education around what it means to be inclusive, respectful and empathetic of the marginalised. We will also publish this to our school community and hope that it can be celebrated.
There are a lot of physical changes around the college which is very exciting as we build and develop new facilities for our students to enjoy, but there is also a sense of sadness as I see buildings with so much history being demolished. I encourage anyone interested to come in for a tour, the changes are very impressive!
The increase in wellbeing needs of our students has seen the development of Brigid’s Well (wellbeing space) which these school holidays will be again updated to include 3 counselling offices for our wellbeing team to work from. This has been in the planning stage for a few years and so we look forward to its completion and all the opportunities this updated space offers our students.
Although I speak of many changes there are many things that have stayed the same since I graduated. Most of you will be able to relate to the Peer Support Program, the Year level Personal Development or Activity Days and of course Brigidine Day!