Principal's Address

Welcome to this edition of our Alumni newsletter; the year has continued to throw challenges our way with many staff and students needing to isolate at home with Covid and of course the flu has hit with a vengeance. Despite all of these hurdles we are incredibly proud of the resilience shown by all in our community as they have persevered and demonstrated great 'strength and kindliness'. It was wonderful to welcome back the alumni from 2019, 2020 and 2021 for drinks in 'The Tullow' on Friday 3 June. This is a new initiative we are hoping to make a permanent feature on the alumni calendar.
The College is undergoing significant change in many facets this year. The most obvious will be the refurbishment of Kennedy Hall and the building of our Senior Learning Centre in the front car park. The decision to combine the creation of the senior learning centre and the refurbishment of Kennedy Hall means we will only need to disrupt learning for one building project and it gave us a great opportunity to consolidate building expenditure. The project is coming along very well and we aim to open our brand new facilities in Term 2 of 2023. We are looking forward to inviting our alumni back for a visit to see our new spaces next year.
On some recent alumni visits to the College I have overheard many comments on the change of the shoes from brown to black and the introduction of a winter pant….whilst some alumni were reminiscent about their days as 'brown cows' many felt these were welcome changes for our students.
Our classrooms have also seen change with the introduction of our Wonder program for Years 7 - 9 that runs each Thursday. We have been incredibly grateful to the alumni who gave up their precious time to be involved with both the Wonder program and the Year 10 Dare to Dream week. Our students are always so engaged when they are able to listen to the stories of the ways in which ex-Killester students have forged their path in so many varied industries.
Last week our staff gathered at a staff meeting to engage with, and reflect upon, the Kildare Ministries Trustee Statement, Walking in Solidarity. A Gender Inclusivity Statement from the Trustees of Kildare Ministries. The full text of the statement is included below. As a staff we reflected upon our values, with particular reference to this being our year of compassion. Alongside this we navigated a complex conversation about how hospitality, courage, hope, wonder and justice (our other core values) must inform our work and the ways in which we welcome and embrace all, in the knowledge that every person in our community has been created in the image and likeness of God. Knowledge of these magnificent values, this fundamental belief, and indeed, informed by the Gospel from last week, we talked together about how we can ensure that each and every individual who forms part of our diverse community, is to be welcomed and celebrated for their uniqueness. We are proud members of the Kildare Ministries family and staff enthusiastically reflected on the ways we can ensure every person who forms our rich community is safe in the knowledge that they are loved and their individuality is inherently respected.
Finally from me, we are currently recruiting for alumni to join our Stewardship Council. The council operates as an advisory board to the principal on matters relating to finance, community connection and many other aspects of school life. It would be wonderful if any alumni felt they could contribute a small time commitment (approximately 2 one hour meetings per term) and become involved in the life of the Killester community this way. If you would like to discuss this further please contact me at the College on 9547 5000 or at
Enjoy the rest of this wonderful publication and we very much look forward to welcoming you all back in one for or another in the coming months,
Sally Buick
Walking in Solidarity. A Gender Inclusivity Statement from the Trustees of Kildare Ministries
We welcome and encourage everyone to participate freely and fully in the life of their Kildare Ministries community. Enjoying friendships, learning and growth are key parts of the life of our community.
We firmly believe in and value the goodness, complexity, and inherent dignity of every person. Human diversity is part of the design and wonder of creation.
Kildare Ministries acknowledges that each person’s gender identity and gender expression can be separate, non-binary and fluid. Within a broad spectrum, LGBTQIA+ people use a variety of terms to identify themselves and these terms should be listened for and respected.
Kildare Ministries also acknowledges that sexual orientation covers a broad spectrum and can also be fluid.
Gender identification, gender expression and sexual orientation represent some aspects of each person’s identity. There are also many other intersecting aspects of identity such as race, ethnicity, and religion. We support the right of people to express their whole identity without fear of bullying, judgement, reprisal, or discrimination.
All should be heard and feel included and to this end we commit to fostering safe communities, safe dialogue, and relationships characterised by trust and respect.
We accept the challenge to be understanding and compassionate to all.