‘Learning for Life’ @ Chilwell 


This term we are focusing on RESPECT.

Respect is a positive and considerate way of treating or thinking about someone or something. When people are insulted or treated badly, they have not been shown respect. It is so important that we have respect for ourselves, others and the environment.

Congratulations to the following students:   





Mrs Adams Prep A

Lukas Hannam - Great resilience when playing games and bouncing back.

Eugenie Lovejoy - Great resilience when she was facing a new challenge.

Mrs Burns Prep B 
Mr Clark Prep CAli Ismat - for being resilient by bouncing back after things get challenging, well done Ali!
Mrs Harmer & Miss Robertson 1HROllie S- For his perseverance and his ability to remain positive towards his learning. Keep up the enthusiastic and determined approach! 
Mr Perrott 1RPCharlie Fitzgerald - for working hard at settling back into school routines.
Ms Hamilton 2KHNic Neilson- For showing great resilience while working towards his writing goals.
Mr Smith 2JSLizzy Benstead - For showing resilience and persistence during literacy classes.
Mrs Galluccio 2AGAudrey Bevis Kammerman for her impressive resilience when drawing a very challenging picture. I was super proud of you.
Mrs Eddy 3CEPiper Bayley - For ‘bouncing back’ when facing challenging tasks. 
Ms Wieland 3MWJames Hay- for bouncing back when things don’t always go as planned. Well done James
Miss Louisa 4LBKyle Ducci - for being resilient during challenges and being able to get back up again.
Mrs Jelenko 4KJAbigail Mills - for the resilience she has shown since starting a new school.
Mrs Walsh 5SW

Anouk Howard- For her positive attitude towards coming back to school this term.

Giselle Neilson- for using a positive mindset and self talk and approaching term 3 with a great attitude

Mr Cole & 

Mrs Gilham

Mrs Stynes 5JS 
Mr Czarnuch 6MC 
Mrs McLaren 6JMIvy Pelchen - for returning to school with a smile after being unwell.
Mrs Fisher Art 

Peter Blackall &

Amy Vanbraam

Seniora Larobina Italian 
Ms Sheridan STEM