Deputy Principal

James Roberts 

Deputy Principal









Showing Up


There is an unwritten rule in the world of elite sport that you need to arrive 15 minutes before the time your coach has asked you to be there, otherwise you are considered late.  While many may ask why they need to “show up” early? It serves to allow the person time to focus on what they’re about to do and both mentally and physically get ready for the challenges ahead. And, in elite sport, you don’t get there without tackling challenges every day.


This “showing up” attitude is a great quality for all students to work towards making a daily habit.  It requires zero talent and provides the time and space in the environment to prepare for the challenges of the day so that you can be successful in what you are doing.  Here are some other things that can enhance success – which ones do you need to focus on?

  • Making an effort
  • Being high energy
  • Having a positive attitude
  • Being passionate
  • Using good body language
  • Being teachable/coachable
  • Doing a little extra
  • Being prepared
  • Having a strong work ethic


Riding to and from school


It is great to see so many students ride to school, I am continually impressed as I walk pass the bike racks with the number of students who do ride – this would not be the case in most school.  We are also seeing a steady rise in the use of electric scooters with some of these being able to keep pace with a car abiding by the speed limit.


What’s not so great are the numbers of students riding without a helmet on their head and it being done up.  The head injuries caused in accident to someone who is not wearing a helmet can be life changing, not just for the them but also for those closest to them, that then need to care for them.  Worse, the chances of dying in an accident when not wearing a helmet are significantly higher.


I encourage all parents and carers to have a conversation with their young people about the importance of wearing a helmet when on a bike or e-scooter at all times.





As most people would be aware, there is a growing teacher shortage across Australia and it is being felt in rural and remote areas to a higher extent - St Mary’s can attest to this firsthand.  There are numerous factors that are contributing to this and you can be assured that as a Leadership Team we have recruiting quality teachers as a high priority and will continue to do so. 


In the meantime, I can update you that there are many classroom teachers and Heads of Department who are going above and beyond in ensuring continuity of learning for students.  This has included taking additional classes, team teaching and preparing additional resources and lesson plans for classes that may not have their regular teacher.  Students have been both amazing and accepting of the situation and for the most part are continuing to work hard at being successful in their learning.  I thank you and ask for your continued patience with this.