News from the General Office

Facilities – Student Lockers 

Frances reviewing student administration
Frances reviewing student administration

All students at Heathmont College have access to a Locker.  This is to ensure they have a space for their backpacks, books and electronic devices.  Numerous students do not use a lock on their locker, when questioned as to why the response is varied – the most common response is “I cannot be bothered”.   


Please speak to your child regarding responsibility of their property with the understanding if items are stolen then you as a parent/carer will have to replace them. New locks ($20) and second-hand locks ($10) are available for purchase at the office. 


Camps / Sports / Excursions Fund (CSEF) 


The cut-off date for 2022 applications is 24 June 2022.  


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities. The allowance of $225 is assessed and paid to the school on a yearly basis and is dependent on eligibility. 


If your student received CSEF in 2021 at Heathmont College, the school has automatically applied for the 2022 funds on your behalf. If you are new to the College, or are recently new to receiving a Health Care Card or similar, please contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download one from:  


Please note that you can use the ‘Use CSEF/Credit’ function in Compass for paying and consenting to Events. Contact the office to request a current Statement to view your CSEF and/or Credit balance. 


2022 Sports Academy Program 

The Sports Academy is going from strength to strength. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who has now paid for the Program in full, which is most families. 


A reminder that the Program is an opt-in, extra-curricular program provided by the College and as such, attracts a mandatory, compulsory fee. Please ensure that this has now been fully paid. Should you have any questions regarding this, or other opt-in Programs offered e.g., Instrumental Music Program, please contact the Finance Department on 9871 4888. Any outstanding charges need to be paid by the latest end of Term 2, 24 June 2022, unless other arrangements have been put in place e.g., Recurring Contributions (Payment Plans).


2022 Curriculum Contributions 

Heathmont College would like to thank all families who have fully paid or who have committed to a Recurring Contribution to cover their student/s 2022 Curriculum Contributions. It is not too late to contribute. 



 A reminder that you can download the Compass app from Google Play or the App Store™. Chose Heathmont College from the dropdown list and enter your unique login details. 


Visit to access the Compass online parent guide with step-by-step instructions on how to use Compass and the Compass app.  


Compass Events 

Please check your Compass Parent Portal at least twice a week for upcoming Incursion, Excursion and Sporting Events as cut-off dates for Consent and or Payments will be strictly enforced. A tight turnaround is required due to transport requirements, attendance limits, first aid packs to be organised etc. The re-opening of Events after the cut-off date is not best practice and will only be done in exceptional circumstances. 


Compass Attendance 

If your student is going to be late for school, please add an Attendance Note. You can use the drop-down for the reason and add the applicable start time. Students are required to sign in at the office when arriving late to school. If your student is leaving during the day for an appointment, you can also use the above method and add the actual time away from school.  


Absence due to Covid 

If your student is absent due to a positive RAT test, please ring the office on 9871 4888 and we will document the absence on your behalf. 


Student ID Cards and College Photos 

All students should now have their Student ID Card and College Photos (if ordered).  These items were previously distributed via Mentor Group. Students can collect them from the office if not previously received.     


It is a requirement for students to carry their ID Card on them daily for attendance purposes, printing, canteen, and personal identification. If a student has lost their card or comes to the office on a regular basis to sign in late without their card, a new Compass ID Card will need to be ordered by you via: Compass / Cog / Compass Identity Card / Order New Card - cost of $10.00.  


The office welcomes your questions, suggestions or feedback. 


Sandra Nebl

Office Staff Member