Heathmont Gazette Team

Ever wondered what it's like to be a journalist? Now's your chance! Every Friday lunchtime, we meet in A3 to put together the Heathmont Gazette! We:


  1. investigate stories to write on.
  2. report on activities / events that occur around the school.
  3. source photos / images for the Heathmont Gazette
  4. talk with other staff / students and encourage them to write articles
  5. learn and use the software to publish the Gazette
  6. proof read and edit articles
  7. finally, publish the Heathmont Gazette!

Here's a photo of Emily Maniscalchi, Evie Taylor and Steph Morgans brainstorming some amazing ideas to make the Heathmont Gazette the #1 journal in town!



Mr Shane Hunt

Community Relationships & Connectedness