From the Chaplain 

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

Greetings to all


Last Sunday the church celebrated Pentecost.


What Christians know today as Pentecost was initially a major Jewish festival (called Shavuot in Hebrew) held 50 days after the Feast of Passover. For this festival, thousands of people would travel to Jerusalem, bringing the first fruits of their harvests to be dedicated in the temple in recognition of God’s provision.


At this time, Jesus’ disciples were gathered in Jerusalem, obeying the instructions Jesus had given them to wait there for the coming of the Holy Spirit. A sound like a violent wind and tongues of fire signalled the Spirit’s arrival.


The Holy Spirit is known as our helper, our advocate in good times and bad. The Spirit provides us with guidance and discernment when needed. 


Pentecost is the day that we heed the call to spread the good news and hope of Jesus with the belief that God will strengthen our own selves and our faith for life’s journey. After Pentecost, Jesus’ message of Love and Reconciliation becomes our story. We are called to live out this story in our lives as the Spirit moves us, inspires us, and empowers us, for the good of all and for God’s reign here on earth.


May the Spirit of Love and Peace rest on you this week.

