
Vaping Warning

It is very disturbing to see the number of young people across the State that have turned to Vaping recently. The attached article highlights the very real danger to our students.


We ask parents to support us in having zero tolerance for this very dangerous and illegal activity. The College is rapidly moving to installing Vape sensors in all student toilets. Students caught in possession of a vaping device, using the vaping device or with students vaping will be counselled and required to complete a Friday afternoon Detention. During this session students will be asked to complete a Vaping Education unit, this will include outlining the potential risk to their health. Continual offences will result in an escalation of consequences in line with the College’s Drug Policy. Our message to students is very clear. This activity is dangerous, illegal, and they must not participate in vaping or be with others who are involved.


We are very grateful to the College’s Wellbeing Team who have produced the below Parent information sheet.


Student Wellbeing: E-Cigarettes and Vaping

The interest and prevalence of e-cigarettes or ‘vaping’ use has been rapidly growing amongst adolescents, causing concern for many parts of society, including schools. To ensure that our staff and students have the best up-to-date information and education in this area, we had Paul Dillion from DARTA (Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia) speak to our senior students (years 10, 11 and 12) on this topic in early term 2. Our year nine students will be presented with a shortened presentation on this topic in the coming weeks.

Key aspects of current research include:

  • The use of e-cigarettes or ‘vapes’ containing nicotine is illegal for all ages unless the user has a prescription from a doctor as of October 1st, 2021.
  • The penalty for possession of e-cigarettes and vapes containing nicotine in Victoria is up to $15,546.
  • Between 2015 and 2019, e-cigarette and vaping use by young people increased by 96% in Australia.
  • Evidence suggests that nicotine vaping products act as a ‘gateway’ to smoking in adolescents.
  • Exposure to nicotine in adolescents may have long-term consequences for brain development and nicotine dependence.
  • There is no evidence to support that Vaping is safe, and as they have only been manufactured since 2003, little is understood about the long term harms associated with Vaping. 
  • Recent studies have found that repeated exposure to e-cigarette vapour could pose a substantial risk of lung disease, lung damage, lung inflammation and exposure to cancer-causing chemicals (e.g., formaldehyde and heavy metals).
  • E-cigarettes and Vapes can have high doses of nicotine, with some pods having the equivalent of ten packets of cigarettes.

E-cigarettes and ‘vapes’ are not permitted at school. To combat this issue, the College has installed sensors in the bathrooms, notifying specific staff when Vaping is detected.

Parents can find more information at the following links:

DARTA Fact Sheet for Parents 

DARTA Fact Sheet for young people 

DARTA Information sheet for Parents: What if you discover your child is vaping?

DARTA Information sheet for parents: How to respond to common vaping statements?

Vaping Resources for Parents





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