Old Collegians 

Stay Connected

It is never been easier to stay connected with your fellow Beda Students! 


Across our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn you will find videos from former and current staff, students and Brothers about their time with St Bede’s. Also, the pages offer photos from the archives and current news about the school and past graduates. 


Like and Follow our pages today! Competitions will be beginning and news on YOUR reunion will be available through these sights. We can’t wait to see you there!








Reunion Cap

The graduating year for 2020 had a fantastic time at their 2 year reunion on Friday 3rd June! 


60 students visited their old campus and joined past teachers for food, drink and some fierce games of down ball. After having to attend their graduation online and then being unable to gather for their 1 year reunion, this night was truly fantastic to be at. 





On Friday 17th June, 70 Old Collegians attended their 50+ year reunion. From 11.45am, guests were invited to morning tea and a reflection on the year 1972. The attendees were delighted to hear of the updates St Bede’s had implemented since then, pointing out where the houses used to be on the property and the ‘cool’ places to hang out. The past students were delighted to reminisce with a variety of graduates from 1954 to 1972 as well as current staff of the college. 


After the formalities, guests moved to the RSL for a two course sit down and drinks.

Reunions 2022

Looking forward to welcoming back the following classes for their annual reunions. Below are those year levels we will be celebrating along with booking details.


Invitations will be sent prior to the events.



Class ofYearsDateEvent and booking details
2000 / 2001 / 200220 yearsFriday 29 July

Light meal, drinks, College  tour




198040 yearsSaturday 13th August

RSL – dinner and drinks



1990 / 1991 / 199230 yearsFriday 26 August

Light meal, drinks, College  tour




1981 / 198240 yearsFriday 11 November

Light meal, drinks, College  tour





Stay tuned for invitations! If you know anyone in these year levels, please encourage them to update their contact details at oldcolls@stbedes.catholic.edu.au


St Bede's Old Collegians Military Honour Roll

St Bede’s Old Collegians Association wishes to set up Honour Boards at the College for those who have served their country, in the Army, Navy and Air Force. This period will be from St Bede’s Foundation, 1938, through until present time and beyond into the future. 


As some would know, there is already an Honour Board dedicated to those who served in the Second World War, in the school chapel. This Honour Board would remain in situ out of respect, and a new one created, incorporated into the new Honour Boards.


Now, what I am asking of you is this. WILL YOU PLEASE HELP US FIND THE SBOC’S WHO SERVED IN KOREA, MALAYA, BORNEO, VIETNAM, GULF WAR, TIMOR, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ AND WAR ON ISIL ANN OTHER THEATRES OF ENGAGMENT. Also, those who served full time in the Australian Forces, but didn’t go overseas. If you know of a St Bede’s Old Collegian who is in this category, PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ONTO THEM, as they may not receive this message via normal channels. A strong Old Collegians Association helps the traditions of the College KEEP GROWING.



We seek the following details of the Ex-Service Personnel.


1.       Army/Navy, or Air Force Number.

2.       Initials

3.       Surname

4.       Rank

5.       Corps or Specialty

6.       Area of Service eg. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq .............. 


Please email details to: oldcolls@stbedes.catholic.edu.au For further information please contact Lucy Turner at St Bede's College on 03 9582 5999 or myself Geoff Hatherley (Class of 1963) on 0402283487  






Old Collegians

Lucy Turner