Library News

Premier Reading Challenge is in full swing at Hampstead Primary School. You can support your child by borrowing books from our local library. The public libraries have these books marked and often have a special section for them.


Have a look at the Premier Reading Challenge SA website where you will also find a page for parents and families.


Be their reading legend. Reading just 10 minutes each day makes a difference.

Research confirms reading to children just 10 minutes each day strengthens literacy, models positive reading behaviour, and builds children’s self-esteem about reading (especially for boys).

It doesn’t stop there. You can show your children that you value reading by reading yourself. Having books in your house makes a big difference too. Either books you own or books you borrow from the library remind children of the importance and fun of reading.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is most successful when parents show interest and support their children. Help your child read their 12 books for the year and you will be making a positive difference to their future.