
Drama Camp
Student recount;
"During the second week of the winter holidays, Rei and I were fortunate enough to be able to go to a drama camp at Allambee camp.
16 students from approximately 12 schools all around Victoria attended the camp.
We learnt a range of new skills including how to write a script and that the same image or scene can be interpreted in a range of ways.
One of the best moments was when we all took turns to add on to a story around the campfire (long live sock man).
The community that we were all able to create in such a short time is something I'll deeply miss, and although a lot of us may go to the spring/September drama camp, it may not be the same.
I’d recommend this to everyone, regardless of their interest or knowledge of drama, because it’s more than just drama, it’s the friends you’ll be able to make."
Thank you Haydee for your report.
Haydee D Rei D
State Schools Spectacular
Rehearsals went well today for the Pacefika Choir as students practised for the upcoming State School Spectacular.
You can get your tickets online by visiting ticketek.
Performing Arts Club
Performing Arts Club is running this term. Four sub clubs: Karaoke, drama, dance, instrumental music.
It is student run and students use this time to prepare pieces for the Performing Arts Showcase Night in term 4.
Thank you to Ms Boyd, Ms D'Souza, Ms Morante, Mr Virgona and Ms Thay for overseeing this.