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Welcome to week 4!

Hero Awards!

Congratulations to Lily, Aneeta and Alisha on completing your Hero Award Chart!


We've been learning about length, perimeter and area. Last Friday we used different informal measuring resources to measure the area of objects in our classroom. Some of these resources included unifix cubes, MAB, playing cards, sticky notes, mini whiteboards and our exercise books. We then documented the area of the object in our maths books.

 E.g. Perimeter of table = 11 exercise books. We used multiplication strategies to efficiently work out the area of the object.


So far in Inquiry we've learnt about 'habit of mind' to allow us to think flexibly and to listen  with understanding and empathy. We've learnt about solutions which have been designed to assist people with disabilities such as braille, hearing devices, guide dogs, wheelchairs and sign language. Last Tuesday we learnt how to sign 'hello my name is...' using Auslan. 

Last Monday we experienced what it was like to be blind/partially blind by completing different tasks in pairs. One person was blindfolded whilst the other person gave instructions to assist the blindfolded person to complete the tasks. Tasks included, putting unifix cubes and dice back into their containers, sorting out and packing away our pencil tubs, as well as writing or drawing a picture. 



This week during Writing, the students worked in groups trialing 'Peer Response Groups'.  Each student had a turn to read a piece of writing aloud, then the other students critiqued their writing by offering positive feedback, constructive feedback and steps to help them move forward with their writing.  There was a lot of discussion happening and we used a sentence starter chart to help construct our feedback.