Education in Faith

The Transfiguration of the Lord, Year  C

Jesus is transfigured on the mountain in the presence of Peter, James, and John.

On August 6, our liturgy invites us to celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Our Gospel for this liturgy in Cycle C is the same as the Gospel proclaimed on the second Sunday of Lent. This feast calls to our attention the importance of this event in Jesus' life, further affirmed by its report in each of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

In Cycle C, our Gospel is taken from the Gospel of Luke. The context for Luke's Transfiguration story is similar to that found in both Matthew's and Mark's Gospel. The Transfiguration occurs after Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah and Jesus' prediction about his passion. In each of these Gospels, a discussion of the cost of discipleship follows the Transfiguration.


In each Gospel, Jesus takes three of his disciples - Peter, James, and John - to a high mountain. While they are there, Elijah and Moses appear with Jesus. In Matthew's and Mark's Gospel, there is reference to a conversation among Jesus, Elijah, and Moses, but only Luke's Gospel includes the detail that this conversation is about what Jesus will accomplish in Jerusalem.


Elijah and Moses are both significant figures in the history of Israel. Moses led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and received from God the Ten Commandments. Appearing with Jesus at his Transfiguration, Moses represents the Law, which guides the lives of the Jewish people. Elijah is remembered as one of the most important prophets of Israel who helped the Israelites stay faithful to God. Some believe that Elijah's return would signal the coming of the Messiah for the Jewish people. This belief is evidenced in the question posed by Jesus' disciples after they have witnessed the Transfiguration. The appearance of these two important figures from Israel's history indicates Jesus' continuity with the Law and the prophets. They also reveal that Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was promised to the people of Israel.


Upon seeing Jesus with Elijah and Moses and having witnessed his Transfiguration, Peter offered to construct three tents for them. Luke's Gospel reports that Peter's offer was made in confusion. As if in reply to Peter's confusion, a voice from heaven spoke, affirming Jesus as God's Son and commanding the disciples to obey him. This voice from heaven recalls the voice that was heard at Jesus' baptism.


In his Transfiguration, we see an anticipation of the glory of Jesus' Resurrection. In each of the reports of the Transfiguration, Jesus instructed the disciples to keep secret what they had seen until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. The disciples' confusion continued as they wondered what Jesus meant by “rising from the dead.” Until they also witness his passion and death, the disciples cannot possibly understand Jesus' Transfiguration. We, however, have the benefit of hindsight. In our hearing of it, we see in this event an anticipation of Jesus' Resurrection, a foreshadowing of Christ's glory in heaven, and the promise of our own resurrection.


Sacramental News and Dates

Please note the following dates could change due to Covid -19 restrictions.


ConfirmationThursday August 11th at 6:00 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish


Thank you to Confirmation Candidates from SFS and St. Kevin’s Parish Group who participated in the Reflection Day at school on Friday, 5th August.

Confirmation Candidates
Confirmation Candidates


Bishop Anthony Ireland was pleased to meet with the children. 

Please find below mass timings for Commitment Masses that children need to attend commencing from this weekend. Children will need to attend any ONE Mass, receive a Creed Scroll at church and bring it to school to share with their HomeGroup to celebrate their commitment before receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Saturday 6h AUGUST (5:00 pm or 7pm) at St. Kevin’s Church OR
  • Sunday 7th AUGUST (9:00 am or 11:00am) at St. Kevin’s Church

Sacrament Levy

There is a $15 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice, and reflection day by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose





Teachers have been busily giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given last week are:


TERESA – 247           BOSCO - 123            PATRICK – 113            MACKILLOP - 101                             

What a fantastic effort TERESA!


The total points for the Community Spirit Award so far this year:


1st                    MACKILLOP            1796                           

2nd                  TERESA                     1786   

3rd                   BOSCO                       1715   

4th                   PATRICK                    1681   


Well done MacKillop again for being in the lead!!! But only by 10 points!! Let’s see who will be leading next week!!!


Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again collect the point sheets and add the points so that we can give students and staff an update through Morning Gathering on Wednesday and parents will be given an update via the newsletter.


Can’t wait to see who is leading next week after more House points have been distributed!!


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies