Chaplain's Corner 2022

"Children need role models more than they need critics." (Joseph Joubert)
Father's and Significant role model breakfast:
You are invited to this Community event - Fathers, Uncles, Dads, Grandpas and everyone else are invited to share a special breakfast at school with their student(s).
When: Tuesday, 30th August, 2022 at 8am
Where: Marangaroo Primary School Undercover Area
What: Food, Activities, Door Prize. More information to follow on Class Dojo
Preprimary in the big playground:
The Staff and students (including Kids who Care team) are working hard at helping the PPs adapt to the bigger play areas. Many of the students absolutely LOVE being out with their siblings or older friends but there are also students who may struggle initially. Over the few years I have been at Marangaroo Primary School one of the ways I find that students adapt is by using the Library for parts or all of a lunch time playtime. This can help when students are finding it hard to find activities or maybe aren't sure which friends to play with. Here are so pictures from the library lunch time play last Friday.
Where are you Tammy?
Unfortunately this term I have had on and off sickness in my family so I have had a few days off here and there and when you are only at school 2 days that makes a bit of an impact on availability. When I am in school I make it a priority to see students, keep breakfast club ordering and rosters up to date and Kids Who Care check in. I want to always be approachable so please feel free to DM me on Class Dojo or leave a message at the front office for me to contact you.
This term we have , role models breakfast, assemblies and sports carnival so I look forward to seeing the School Community at these events. Have a great week and chat again soon.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Tuesday and Friday