Principal's Message

On-site Assemblies are back
It was wonderful to finally invite parents back to an on-site assembly in Week Three this term, with the 2/3 students in the Kangaroos doing a wonderful job of hosting our first assembly back. Well done and thanks to Miss Bastow for the hard work she put into helping the students to prepare for the assembly. We are looking forward to next week's assembly, hosted by the Year 1 students from the Bilbies class.
At the last assembly we thanked Kirsten Bayes, one of our very talented parents, for all the work she has put into painting a beautiful mural, featuring all the animals from our classes across the school. The is now complete and made a perfect backdrop to the assembly, as it will in years to come.
10c Containers for Change
Thanks to Lynda in the canteen, we are now able to donate approved cans and bottles to receive a 10c refund, which will go towards supporting the canteen. Lynda has positioned a bin outside the canteen and families are encouraged to bring in empty cans and bottles to help support the school.
Upcoming Events
We are looking forward to hosting a Father's Day Breakfast on Tuesday 30 August, in recognition of the special role models in our students' lives. This will take place at 8am on Tuesday, 30 August. We will post more information on Class Dojo in the coming days.
At the last assembly I advised that the students would be attending a ballet incursion. Unfortunately, there was a mix up with dates and the incursion will now take place on Friday, 9 September.
Term Three is a busy term for athletics. We are looking forward to our Faction Jumps and Throws taking place on Tuesday, 6 September, with the Faction Carnival happening the same week on Thursday, 8 September. This year, we are hosting the Interschool Athletics Carnival on Thursday, 22 September. We are looking forward to welcoming other schools from our sports cell into MPS for the day. Parents and family members are encouraged to join us for the main Faction Carnival and the Interschool Carnival. A big thanks to Mrs Tester for all her organisation around the carnivals, including preparing the students for the big days.
Long-service Leave
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the Interschool Carnival this year as I will be on long-service leave for the final week of the term.
Adrian Keenan