Welcome to 

The M Chat Issue 24

Messages from the Front Office

Retirement of Mr Malanczak 

On Friday 5 August we hosted a Sundowner to officially farewell Mr Malanczak from Marangaroo Primary School and into his new role in full time retirement.  In his time away from MPS he and his wife Hilda have travelled, have spent more time with their grandchildren and on their property down south.  He is thoroughly enjoying life on the other side of 33 years in education.  


We presented him with a flowering peach tree to plant on his property down south and unveiled our "Buddy Bench".  He was always an advocate of having someone to talk to and was sure to ask  "are you  OK?" We thank him for his commitment and caring of the students whilst here at MPS.  On behalf of the staff, parents and students we wish him all the very best for his retirement.




Successful Student Awards

At our last assembly on Friday 5 August we had presentations for successful Student Awards.  Their smiling, proud faces are below.  Congratulations to you all.


In Term Swimming Lessons

PLEASE NOTE: Amendments have been made to this weeks in term swimming lessons schedule at Balga Leisurepark. The following notice to parents was sent on 8 August detailing the changes. Please ensure students come prepared for the commencement of swimming lessons tomorrow (Thursday 18 August). 

Kindy 2023 Enrolments

If your child is born between 1/7/2018 and 30/6/2019 then they are eligible to attend our kindergarten in 2023.  Please refer to the poster below and collect your enrolment forms from the front office.  We'd like to have your application in as soon as possible.


We are also accepting expression of interest for Kindy 2023, into our Specialist Learning program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism-Program-Expression-of-Interest-Applicant-Details..pdf (marangarooprimaryschool.wa.edu.au)


Pre Primary 2023 Enrolments  - PLEASE RETURN ASAP

Enrolment packs for Pre Primary have been sent home to our existing Kindy families.  We have commenced planning for 2023 and if it is your intention to enrol your child for Pre Primary at another school, please inform us as soon as possible. 


Families that have not already returned their enrolment forms are requested to do so as soon as possible.


2023 Year 7 Enrolments

All high schools in the local area are now accepting enrolments for 2023.  Don't miss out on the school of your choice by being late with your enrolment. 

Phasing out cash payments

For various operational reasons, including the closure of local Bank branches, we have decided to phase out the acceptance of cash for school fees and excursions throughout the remainder of this year. We request that, where possible, all families make payments by direct deposit to the school bank account or through EFTPOS in the front office. 


Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing. 

For example: J Citizen yr 1

BSB: 066 040 

Account: # 19905042