From the Chaplain

A while back I learned a new word, that I thought was just made up.  But after checking in the dictionary, to my surprise it was there.  The word is ‘scurryfunge’ which means, ‘a hasty tidying of the house when a last minute guest is coming to visit.’  I have definitely done this, and it’s mainly when a guest says they want to use the kid’s bathroom downstairs.  Ahh!  I have to scurryfunge and check what state the kids have left it in before they go there.


One thing that we do not have time to scurryfunge for is when Jesus comes.   

Matthew 24:44, ‘You must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.’   

No one knows when Jesus will come back and so we all need to be ready for when He does.  People have predicted many things and dates of when this will occur, such as when all the Nations of the world have heard the Gospel message.  With the way the internet is these days we can reach many more people than we ever used to be able to. 


I actually find this amazing, as this was highlighted to me on a mission trip to Timor. We went to some very remote, poor villages. They had to walk for miles to the nearest well to get water. But sitting there, in their house, some of them were on their mobile phones. I really couldn’t understand it.  I read later that because of the high population, phones are very cheap. For as little as $1, you may get a few weeks of internet. Mobile phones may seem a luxury to us, but for them it was a tool of survival, for medical reasons and education. Entertainment was not the sole purpose of the phone to them. 


So how can we be ready for when Jesus comes back?  

  • Accepting him as our Lord and Saviour  
  • Encouraging one another and spreading the Gospel 
  • Living life as if today was the day 

Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain