Level 3 (Grade 3 & 4)

The 2022 Level 3 Teachers and ES Staff

John Hoskin (Team Leader), Charlotte Caldarelli, Philip Allison, Sally Dyett, Paul Souter, Andrew Wastie, Kate Yates, Lisa Shoebridge, Julie Reid, Tabatha Watson, Rachael Fletcher, Fiona Materia, Georgia Murphy, Jo Hearn, Hendrik Leong and Kaylene Stait

Check out the Specialists Page for some amazing online profile posters created by our Year 4 students.


A great start to the term

Term 3 is progressing smoothly for the Year 3 and 4 students. They have enjoyed commencing work on this term’s Inquiry topic of Flight. Other highlights in the classroom have been the completion of creative poems of various types and some wonderful 3D objects whilst investigating Shape. There are some pictures of this work below. 


Diamante poem by Miheli (4PS)

Dragon made using 3D shapes by Kingsley

Cow made using 3D shapes by Mackenzie

Rhyming poem ‘I’m sick’ by Abigail (4PS)










The first of this year’s ICAS assessments takes place next week, with Year 3 and 4 students completing the Writing competition. As stated in previous newsletters, this year's ICAS competition is optional and only those who have paid will be completing the test. For more information on this event, please look at the English section of this newsletter. If you still have further questions, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher. 


Mobile Phones

If your child brings a mobile phone to school, they will now be required to leave it at the office (rather than with their classroom teacher) for the day. They will be able to collect the phone from the office at the completion of the school day.


‘Wonder’ bread bag campaign

‘Wonder’ bread is running a campaign to help promote recycling. To take part in the campaign, we are strongly encouraging students to bring empty packets of bread to school to be placed in a special recycling bin. Our school will earn points towards receiving new sports equipment according to how many bags we collect. Please refer to the flyer attached to this newsletter for more information about the campaign.



Book Week 

The annual Book Week celebrations will be occurring in Week 7 this year. This year's theme is Dreaming with Your Eyes Open. There are many exciting events occurring during the week, including the Book Week Parade as well as a visit from the world-famous author Morris Gleitzman.  Please refer to the English section of this newsletter for more information. 


Term 3 Important Dates

  • August 8 - 11 – ICAS Writing
  • August 15 - 18 – ICAS English
  • August 22 - 25 – ICAS Science and Spelling
  • August 22 – Book Week Dress Up  Parade
  • August 29 - September 1 – ICAS Maths

In the next two weeks

  • Grammar – Sentence types (compound, complex, simple)
  • Literacy – Author’s Purpose
  • Writing – Poetry and Procedural
  • Maths – Money and Graphing & Statistics
  • Inquiry – Investigating how hot air assists flight

Reminders to Parents

  • Please remember to check QKR regularly for any upcoming school payments or announcements.