Level 2 (Grade 1 and 2)

Sarah Battle (Level 2 Team Leader), Bronwyn Moore, Kath Jones, Eli Dahlenburg, Nerida Forster, Chantelle Quinn, George Samothrakitis, Zara Abrahams and Hsien Tran.

Dear Level 2 Parents,


We have almost reached the middle of the term! Students have enjoyed learning about the Water Cycle through many different ways, such as through songs, interactive videos, books and their weekly science experiments. They are really excited to be going on their first excursion for the year to the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands in a few weeks. Information regarding parent helpers for this excursion will be sent to parents / carers via email soon. 

Important Dates For Your Diaries

Monday 22nd August - Book Week Dress Up Parade

Friday 26th August – 2SB Excursion to the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands

Friday 26th August - F-2 Students Author Visit for Book Week.

Tuesday 30th August - 2BM, 2ED, 2KJ and 2NF Excursion to the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands

Thursday 1st September – 1CQ, 1GS, 1HT and 1ZA Excursion to the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands

Friday 2nd September - Professional Practice Day (Pupil Free Day)

F-2 Book Week Incursion

Author Bec Filliponi will be attending Vermont Primary School on Friday the 26th of August for all Foundation to Year 2 students. Bec and illustrator Julie Gebbing have created story books that explore a range of concepts, such as kindness, resilience, positive identity, connection. These stories are set in beautiful places all around the world. Our children will explore important ideas in fun and creative ways through participating in the opportunity to write and illustrate a book collectively. Parents will have an opportunity to purchase the books created. Further information on that to come. Payment and permission for the above incursion is required through Qkr and is available for you to pay now.

MS Readathon

The MS Readathon is a program that has been around for a number of years and raises much needed funds for the research and treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. The school has been enrolled this year and all of the instructions for you to get your child registered can be found on the school website. Please note, that this is an optional involvement.

ICAS Competitions

A reminder that the ICAS Competitions commence soon:


Week 6: Beginning Monday 15th August is English (for Year 2 - 6 students)


Week 7: Beginning Monday 22nd August is Science and Spelling (for Year 2 - 6 students)


Week 8: Beginning Monday 29th August is Mathematics (for Year 2 - 6 students)


Further details can be found on the schools Website: 


Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands Excursion

Over three separate days, the Year 1 and 2 students will travel by bus to the Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands Education Centre to participate in an excursion that investigates the Water topic they are studying in Inquiry this term. Please take careful note of the details of the excursion for your child’s Grade:


Friday 26th August 2022

2SB (Departing VPS at 9.10am and returning at approximately 12:45pm)


Tuesday 30th August 2022

2BM and 2ED (Departing VPS at 9.10am and returning at approximately 12.45pm)

2KJ and 2NF (Departing VPS at 11.40am and returning at approximately 3.10pm)


Thursday 1st September 2022

1CQ and 1GS (Departing VPS at 9.10am and returning at approximately 12.45pm)

1HT and 1ZA (Departing VPS at 11.40am and returning at approximately 3.10pm)


The cost for this excursion is $16 and must be paid via OKR. Please ensure that payment is received by the school no later than Friday 19th August 2022. Should you have any further queries, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Early Arrivals

We have noticed that there have been a number of students arriving early to school. Vermont Primary School and Kindergarten’s grounds are supervised by school staff from 8.45am until 3.45pm. Outside of these hours, school staff are not available to supervise students. Parents and carers should not allow their children to attend Vermont Primary School and Kindergarten outside of these hours. 


Families are encouraged to contact the Outside of School Care Program for more information about the before and after school care facilities. 


If a student arrives at school before supervision commences at the beginning of the day, the principal or nominee staff member will, as soon as practicable, follow up with the parent/carer to: 

  • advise of the supervision arrangements before school 
  • place the student in an out of school hours care program (if available)

Bread Bag Collection 

The 'Bread Bag Collection' is a school wide push to collect bread bags. The more bread bags we can collect as a school, the better it is for the environment AND the more sports equipment we can receive for our sports program. Important things to remember include: 

  • we are only collecting bread bags-other soft plastic can go into the classroom’s white bins
  • the bread bags can be from any bread company, not just Wonder
  • the bread bags need to be clean-shake out the crumbs please
  • we are not collecting the bag tags. The cardboard tags can be recycled in paper bin

What Will Level 2 Be Learning About In Weeks 5 and 6?

This is what we will be learning about in Weeks 5 and 6


Grade 1 and 2 – Procedural and Retell Texts



Grade 1 and 2: Addition / Subtraction and Area / Perimeter 



Grade 1 and 2: Resilience Project



Grade 1 and 2: Water


STEM Activities

Grade 1 and 2: Water


Inquiry Resources

This Term Level 2 students are exploring the topic of water in Inquiry. In Week 5, students will be creating dioramas to demonstrate the water cycle. Students have been asked to please bring a shoebox to school which they can use to create this project. They will require their box no later than Monday 8th August.

Let's Celebrate

Please enjoy the attached pictures of some of the Level 2 (Grade 1 and 2) students enjoying their time learning about Procedural Texts, whereby they had an opportunity to create their very own Snakes and Ladders board game featuring their own set of instructions.

Isabella, Adiy and Noemi 2SB
Snakes and Ladders
Chelsea, Zoe and Elijah 2SB
Isabella, Adiy and Noemi 2SB
Snakes and Ladders
Chelsea, Zoe and Elijah 2SB
2ED Playing Snakes and Ladders
Board Game Fun!
2ED Trialling each others Snakes and Ladders board games.
2ED Playing Snakes and Ladders
Board Game Fun!
2ED Trialling each others Snakes and Ladders board games.
To celebrate more of our Level 2 students work and learnings from this week, please see the Specialist tab to view photos of them engaging in wonderful Science experiments based on Water.