Level 1 

The latest celebrations from Foundation!


Staff: Nikki Lewis, Bec Mealings, Courtney Williams & Damon Webb

Foundation Newsletter Week 4

Monday 1st August – Friday 5th August

Dear Parents,


We had an amazing time celebrating our 100 days of school today, playing games and doing fun activities!

Building using 100 cups!
Our glasses and headbands!
100 Days of Foundation!
Building using 100 cups!
Our glasses and headbands!
100 Days of Foundation!


Tuesday 9th August – Toys Incursion

Wednesday 10th August – Wheels Parade Morning

Monday 22nd August – Book Week Parade

Friday 26th August – Book Week Incursion



THANK YOU to everyone who has brought in boxes for our Toys Inquiry Unit. Our classrooms are now full with boxes so please do not bring any more in.


TOYS INCURSION – Tuesday 9th August

Our toys incursion is this Tuesday 9th August. Your child’s teacher would have emailed you if payment for this hasn’t been received yet. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions.


WHEELS PARADE MORNING – Wednesday 10th August

We are very excited to be having a wheels parade this coming Wednesday (COVID permitting). As part of the parade, students will be allowed to bring in a toy that has wheels. This includes toys that you can ride (bikes, roller skates, scooters, electric cars), push (prams etc) or hold (small toy cars). The parade will run from approximately 9:10am to 10:15am. 


Parents will be allowed to attend the parade to watch. 


Each class will walk to the basketball court, with our toys, at approximately 9:10am and enjoy watching each other ride, push or hold our toys. At the end of the parade, we encourage parents to take your child’s toy home as we have limited space in the classroom to store these toys. Any bikes, scooters etc will be stored in the bike shed until the end of the day. 


Please note that we encourage you to take photos of your own child however avoid taking photos of other children. Please do not post any photos onto social media unless it is of your own child. 


If it is raining heavily, unfortunately it will be postponed however we will keep you posted on this closer to the day.




We are very excited that Book Week is coming up from the 22nd to 26th of August. It’s a week where we celebrate our favourite authors and do activities related to our favourite books. On Monday 22nd August, we will be having a book week parade. On this day, students can come dressed as one of their favourite BOOK characters. We will have a whole school parade and be able to share what character we have dressed up as. 


On Friday 26th, we will be having a Book Week incursion. Please look for ‘Foundation – Year 2 Book Week Incursion’ on QKR for payment. 



We noticed that a lot of children are wearing different coloured layers underneath the school uniform. Students may wear singlets under t-shirts/long sleeve shirts but these should not be visible (please no pyjamas either). They may also wear an extra jumper or coat when coming inside in the morning (please make sure it is Navy Blue). We find that the temperature is comfortable for them in the classroom and they are also running around outside. They start to overheat if they wear too many layers underneath their clothes.


On wet days, students still need to wear runners and no gumboots. If it is extremely wet and raining, students won’t be playing outside. When playing outside, they need shoes in which they can run, climb and jump. Unfortunately, gumboots do not suit climbing and playing or running in PE classes. 


Art Smocks coming home on Tuesday afternoons

We are continuing our interest groups, where we go to different classrooms and do various activities. In one of the weeks coming up, your child’s class will be doing messy play. Art smocks will be worn and will get quite dirty, so if your child brings their art smock home on a Tuesday afternoon, could you please wash it before they have Art on Thursday/Friday.



It is very important that your child is healthy when they come to school. Please watch out for any COVID and cold symptoms as we are beginning to see children who have runny noses and coughs come to school and spread their illness to others. We are finding that for every child who returns to school too early, more cases start to appear and other children are then away from school for a week or more. We want to reduce the absences in the classroom and give each child the best chance to learn. 


Even if your child tests negative for COVID, they still must stay home if they are sick with cold or flu symptoms. Please note that we may have to call you to pick them up if they show any COVID or cold symptoms.


If your child is a household contact, please follow these steps:

  • Inform the school that they are a household contact.
  • We suggest that they where a mask in the classroom.
  • Test at home using a Rapid Antigen Test, and return negative results 5 times over the 7 day isolation period. 


We had a great time listening to the fire brigade over the past couple of weeks. Your child was asked to talk with you about where the smoke alarms in your house, as well where to meet in case of a fire emergency. Hopefully they came home and talked to you about this! Here are some photos from their visit.

Crawl down low and GO, GO, GO!
Fire fighter protection
Watch out for the water!
Crawl down low and GO, GO, GO!
Fire fighter protection
Watch out for the water!


Next Week


This week we wrote about our time with the Fire Brigade! Over the next couple of weeks we will be writing about the middle and end parts of the story the Gruffalo’s child. We will continue to learn new sounds and revise previously taught sound. 



  • Exploring Addition and Subtraction Strategies.
  • Identifying and using location words.




Week 5

Week beginning 8th August

Free Choice

Week 6

Week beginning 15th August

Something that has the sound

‘ay, ee, igh’

(eg. play, seed, light)

Week 7

Week beginning 22nd August

My Favourite Book

Week 8

Week beginning 29th August

Something that has the sound

‘ow, oo, oo’

(eg. snow, zoo, book)

Week 9

Week beginning 5th September

Something that has the sound

‘ar, oy, air’

(eg. car, toy. hair)

Week 10

Week beginning 12th September

No Show and Tell – showing a toy we made in class