
Director: Meg Donnelly

Green Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret

Purple Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe

Blue Group: Christina Tsotsos, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret

Red and Yellow Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole 

Important Dates for Diaries

Wednesday August 3rd - Payments Due for Picture Plate Fundraiser

Friday August 12th - Drawings Due for Picture Plate Fundraiser

Monday August 22nd - Green and Purple Group Dress up Day for Book Week

Thursday August 25th - Blue Group Dress up Day for Book Week

Friday August 26th - Yellow and Red Groups Dress up Day for Book Week

Yard Development Update

Work is progressing in the yard at Kinder.  The children are all loving to watch the different equipment and the progress via their "viewing stations" in each of the kinder rooms.   

So far we can see the beautiful new deck coming to shape off of Gurrin Room and the mud kitchen deck, as well as some new planters for our herbs and veggies to be planted out.  We are on track for completion of the works towards the end of term. 

Deck from Gurrin Room
Deck, yarning circle and sandpit
Stage with slide (to come)
Mud Kitchen/cubby, dry creek bed leading to mud patch
Sandpit, with table in centre.
Deck from Gurrin Room
Deck, yarning circle and sandpit
Stage with slide (to come)
Mud Kitchen/cubby, dry creek bed leading to mud patch
Sandpit, with table in centre.

Book Week Dress up

We are looking forward to our Book Week Dress up day.  This year we will be able too participate with the school in the parade on Monday 22nd August.  So Green and Purple Group will attend on the day and represent the kinder. It will be confirmed if our parent community can also attend, closer to the event.  The other Groups will hold their dress up days later in the week (please see dates above).

The Book Week Theme this year is: “Dreaming with eyes open…”.  Reading truly is dreaming with your eyes open, as we imagine we are part of the story and transport ourselves into the magical worlds we read about.  

We are really looking forward to seeing some amazing costumes and sharing some of our favourite books and characters. 

3 YO's 

Celebrating the Commonwealth Games

Our 3 YO groups enjoyed experiencing a Commonwealth Games inspired Obstacle Course last week, followed by a medal ceremony. Each of the children made their own medal to wear and take home and share with their families.

Yellow Group: Commonwealth Games Celebration
Red Group: Commonwealth Games Celebration
Yellow Group: Commonwealth Games Celebration
Red Group: Commonwealth Games Celebration

4 YO's 

Library Visit

The 4 YO groups were lucky enough to have Helen from Whitehorse Libraries visit and discuss what libraries are and how we can sue them.  Helen also read the children a story and handed out Library cards.

Purple Group: Library Visit
Purple Group: Library Visit

Commonwealth Games Celebrations

The 4YO's have also been exploring the idea of the Commonwealth Games with many children making flags for all the different countries.  This had led to some great conversations.

Getting out and about

Due to the yard being under construction we have been exploring other spaces outside for play. The 4's have had a great time using the Prep Playground while the Preps are in class.  This has allowed them to get used to the space and test some of their skills on the more challenging equipment.