From the Student Leaders

A message from your School Captains, Hardit & Sarakshi

Hello, VPS. I am Hardit, one of your School Captains for 2022. So far, I have really enjoyed being a School Captain, it has given me a chance to improve my leadership skills and my responsibility. I’ve also loved the fact that I get to speak during assembly, it’s so exciting for me. Also, some of you might not know me very well, so here’s a few things about myself. 

  • I love playing cricket and basketball 
  • I go for the Hawks in the AFL  
  • My favourite colour is orange 
  • I go for the Golden State Warriors and Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA 
  • I love reading  
  • And, last but not least, I love anything that has sugar in it!! (Desserts  😉)

 In the near future, I am looking forward to my trip to India, because I get to visit my grandparents, and my family in India after a LONG time. I’m also really pumped because I will be visiting the Statue of Unity during my stay. It’s the biggest statue in the world! (Plus, I’ve heard that there is an exquisite variety of ice-cream flavours there 😉.) I just can't wait till we get there!!





Hello, my name is Sarakshi and I'm one of your school captains. This year has been great so far and hopefully the other half will be as awesome as this half. The things that I have enjoyed about this year are the working with new and different people, the GRIP conference at the start of the year, speaking at assemblies and other important events and also representing Vermont Primary School. I'm really excited for this newsletter so then everyone in any year levels will know what other year levels are up to and what they're doing. 






Hardit & Sarakshi
Hardit & Sarakshi

Joke of the Week

Hi, our names are Aiyden and Nash, and we are Year 6 leaders. We hope you like our joke of the week...


"Have you heard the joke about the paper?"

"It doesn't's Tear-able!"