
at Vermont Primary School

Photo: Dress Up Day 2021

Welcome to the English News for this fortnight. As you are aware we have information on our Vermont Primary School Website. Check it out when you can. Each fortnightly newsletter will show case some amazing English experiences happening at school, highlight some upcoming events and share some Reading and Writing strategies.  So stay tuned....    


This week we have events that are fast approaching: 

- final information about ICAS Competitions 

- information about the MS Readathon

- a Writing competition opportunity

- a Book Week Update

ICAS Competitions

A reminder that the ICAS Competitions commence:

Week 5: Beginning Monday  8th August is Writing (for Year 3 - 6 students only)

Week 6: Beginning Monday 15th August is English (for Year 2 - 6 students)

Week 7: Beginning Monday 22nd August is Science and Spelling (for Year 2 - 6 students)

Week 8: Beginning Monday 29th August is Mathematics (for Year 2 - 6 students)


**Please note:

ICAS Writing is CLOSED.

ICAS English and Maths on Qkr close on Sunday 7th of August 2022.

ICAS Science and Spelling  can now be ordered and paid for on Qkr.  These close Sunday 14th of August 2022. 

Parent Payment system is closed. 

MS Readathon

We are very excited to inform you that Vermont Primary School have signed up for the MS Readathon this August. The MS Readathon is a fundraiser which has been supporting people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 45 years. It aims to bring together the enjoyment of reading and the inspiration of creating a difference in the lives of people living with MS. 

Participation in the MS Readathon is OPTIONAL. If you would like your child to participate in the MS Readathon and represent Vermont Primary School, you can register your child by simply heading to the Readathon website: https://www.msreadathon.org.au

- Select ‘Register’

- Click ‘My children to read’ 

- Fill in the contact details of a parent/guardian

- Enter your child’s details and add Vermont Primary School   

- Follow prompts until registration is complete.


 **A reminder to not write your child’s surname. Their first name, or first name and surname initial, and their grade is all that is required (e.g. Jimmy S 4JS). Please read the privacy information on the website for further information. 


If you have any queries regarding this year’s MS Readathon, please feel free to contact:

- Nerida.forster@education.vic.gov.au (Grades F-2)

- Cyara.pittas@education.vic.gov.au. (Grades 3-6)

Competition Opportunity

Harry Potter Writing Competition run by Eastern Regional Libraries (optional)       

There is an opportunity for students to enter a writing competition run by Eastern Regional Libraries. Realm Library at Eastland is hosting a Harry Potter fan fiction competition for all ages. This competition is not affiliated with Vermont Primary School but may be something your child is interested in.

Refer to the school website for details: https://www.vermontps.vic.edu.au/page/220/Competitions

Entries close Wednesday 31 August 2022

Book Week  22nd - 26th of August 2022                        

We are very pleased to announce that Vermont Primary School will be celebrating “Children’s Book Week” in the week beginning the 22nd of August 2022. Please read below for an outline of the activities so far...  These will be updated as we get closer to the date. The Book Week Theme this year is: “Dreaming with eyes open…”.  

Further details can be found: 


  • Dress Up Day Monday 22nd August 2022

Every year the whole school enjoys dressing up and parading our cos

tumes to our school community. In past years, (except for the last couple) the whole community could celebrate as a part of the audience. This year we can re-introduce a parade for all of the students to participate in, including the kindergarten children. We will confirm if our parent community can also attend. We are really looking forward to enjoying the amazing costumes and capture our excitement and passion for reading and dressing up as our favourite book characters. 

  • Author Visit:  Years 3 - 6

We are very pleased to announce that we have author Morris Gleitzmann attending Vermont Primary School on Thursday the 25th of August.  Morris Gleitzman is a bestselling Australian children’s author. His books explore serious and sometimes confronting subjects in humorous and unexpected ways.


His titles include Two Weeks with The Queen, Grace, Doubting Thomas, Bumface, Give Peas A Chance, Extra Time, Loyal Creatures, Snot Chocolate and the series Once, Then, Now, After, Soon and Maybe. The payment and permission form is up on Qkr now! 

  • Author Visit:  Years Foundation - 2

Author Bec Filliponi will be attending Vermont Primary School on Friday the 26th of August. Bec and illustrator Julie Gebbing have created story books that explore a range of concepts such as kindness, resilience, positive identity, connection. 


These stories are set in beautiful places all around the world. Our children will explore important ideas in fun and creative ways as they will be involved in a workshop!!! The payment and permission form is up on Qkr now! 

  • Classroom Activities 

Each grade will have some special Book Week Activities to include in their week. Some are celebrating a range of different authors, whilst others are completing some creative tasks. 

  • Vermont Primary School Kindergarten

Each year we ensure that our Kindergarten staff and children are included in our whole school activities when we can. This year they will be participating in their Dress Up Day and our Foundation Teachers will be arranging a time to meet with them to read some of their favourite books. Hopefully they will be able to join us up in the classrooms, which also helps them to familiarize themselves with the current Foundation Teachers. 

  • Library Activities Foundation to Year 6 

We are very lucky to have a lovely library at Vermont Primary School. Mrs Evans will have a colourful display and some activities for the children for when they visit the library on the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. 


On Friday in the library, at the Colouring Club with Mr Tran, the children will have some special activities to colour associated with Book Week. 

  • MS Readathon

As previously stated, as part of our upcoming BOOK WEEK Celebrations, we are also very excited to announce that Vermont Primary School are participating in the MS Readathon. We have completed this in the past with terrific success. The Readathon will inspire our children to read as much as they can, for an incredible cause. They will be helping children who have a parent with multiple sclerosis. This Readathon will start on the 1st of August and end on the 31st of August


We are all looking forward to Book Week!! One of our favourite weeks of the year!!!!!!!!!


The Literacy Professional Learning Team

Vermont Primary School