Year 1/2 Space Rescue Mission

Space Rescue Mission 2040

It’s the year 2040 ... BEEP! BEEP!

It’s a message beamed onto your wall from your best friend who’s on holiday with her family on Venus: “Our spaceship has broken down and we can’t get home! HELP!!”


YOUR MISSION IN TERM 3: to design and build a vehicle that can travel to Venus and back to rescue your bestie and her family.


Last week, the Year 1 and 2 Community participated in the Space Rescue Mission 2040 Competition. Across the week, the students participated in various activities that led to them designing a spacecraft.


They were lucky enough to have some special visitors from Boeing who led the community through some activities which led to the students designing paper planes and seeing which flew the furthest.

Students worked in teams of three to design. Their roles were:

Hipster - Design Guru “Our design looks SUPER COOL”

• Selects the colour scheme for the aircraft

• Designs the people and their space outfits


Hustler - Seller/Branding Expert “Our design is AWESOME because…” 

• Comes up with 5 names for the aircraft – team votes on the final name 

• Pitches the entry to the judges


Hacker - Technical Expert & Engineer “Our design will TOTALLY WORK”

• Selects the material to build the vehicle and the fuel to power it

• Advises the pilot on how the aircraft flies

Class Reflections

Last week, the Year 1/2 Community celebrated Space Week. We were on a mission to save our friends from the planet Venus. Over three days we built space vehicles with our teams. We used lots of different materials that we learned about last term. On Friday, we had a really special day. We came to school dressed up and ready to present our creations to our parents. At the end of the day, we ate the chocolate crackles that we made. They were scrumptious and delicious! We had the best week ever!

by 1/2B and 1/2C


Last week, the Year 1/2 Community excitedly celebrated Space Week. We learned all about space and pretended that we had to rescue our friend from Venus. We built a spaceship to rescue our friend. On Monday, we had special visitors from Boeing. We learned about their jobs as Engineers and we made airplanes that had to glide. On Tuesday, we worked with our team to plan our spaceship. The next day, we made space chocolate crackles using sprinkles and we started building our spaceships. We finished building and started our speech on Thursday. On Friday, our parents came to watch us present and we celebrated our hard work by eating our scrumptious chocolate crackles. This was an amazing week because we got to learn more about space!

by 1/2K and 1/2C


Check out their designs below:

Well done to the teachers and students in the Year 1 and 2 Community!

Deborah Courtney

Director of Learning and Teaching