Literacy News 

Writer’s Wall


Our students have been busy writing a whole lot of different text types this term, and there is a wonderful new selection on the Writer’s Wall. If you haven’t visited it before, the Writer’s Wall is located in the main hallway, almost opposite Mr Green’s office. This time around, there is everything from procedures to information reports and more.

I also had the pleasure of exploring ‘found poetry’ with the year 5/6 classes recently. Found poetry is a form of poetry where the writer identifies interesting words and phrases in an existing text to literally find a poem, using the words in the same order and with only the addition of small words, such as ‘the’ or ‘and’. I was very impressed by the way the students embraced this form of writing, and with the amazing poems they produced. Some of these are also on the Writer’s Wall for your reading enjoyment.


MS Read-a-thon


You are probably already aware that the MS Readathon has begun. Many students, individually or in family teams, have already signed up, but if you haven’t got around to it yet, it’s not too late. Below is the information that you should have received via email:

This year, our community at our school is embarking on an incredible adventure. An adventure full of drama, mystery, and magic… and generosity!

That’s right! This year, we’re doing the MS Readathon as a school community. It’s a one-month reading challenge, where the rules are simple. Read whatever you like, as much as you can, throughout the month of August.

Each student can set up and personalise their very own fundraising pages, and while on their reading adventure you’ll have the opportunity to guide them through the other kind of journey – fundraising for those in need.

All donations go towards helping Australians with MS and other neurological conditions, and that’s the main reason we’ve decided to take the MS Readathon on together as a community.

You may have fond memories of the MS Readathon yourself, and we’re delighted to continue in this amazing, long-lasting legacy.

So, to sign up under our school's MS Readathon, just click the link below!



It’s a great chance to encourage your children to read and to find opportunities to read together. Like many skills, reading needs practice, and the MS Readathon gives some motivation for this, while supporting a cause that is close to the hearts of people in the OLHC community and across Australia.


Happy reading!


Annie Facchinetti

Literacy Leader and Teaching & Learning Leader