
What’s been happening at OLHC?


SWELL Art, fundraising for Pets of the Homeless, preparing for Book Week & Lego Club are some of the many events taking place at OLHC this term. 

Mr Green has put a photo of his prized family pet dog Falco, on the special Wall of Pet Fame. He was given a deadline by some keen children and he met this time-frame after a reminder letter written by one of the Year 4 boys. Well done Mr Green!

We continue to have weekly meetings with the Wellbeing Leaders who have been visiting classrooms promoting the Pets of the Homeless organisation. Guinea Pigs, Lizards, Dogs, Cats, Lambs, Chooks, Cockatoos  and a beautiful Cockatiel adorn the wall near the teachers staff room. As yet, we don’t have a pet spider on the wall but perhaps that is still coming! The children from OLHC have currently raised well over $120 and this fundraiser is not finished yet. Enjoy your family pets and thank you for supporting Pets of the Homeless.


'Hi I am Jayde! Hi I am Maddi! Hi I am Aurora!

We are from SWELL Art Group 3.

Do you want to know what we made last week?

We made spectacular clay windchimes. It took time and patience, which we were good at.

You can see the windchimes up near the sliding door leading to the office.

We all had such fun in this session!!!

Thank you to the two other mums and my mum Jen.'


By Aurora, Jayde & Maddi Year 1


Pets Of The Homeless


If you remember this topic you may be wondering how successful we have been at raising money for ‘Pets of the Homeless’. 

So far we have raised $125.35 for the contribution of photos of animals we have on the Wall of Pet Fame. 

We have the obvious with dogs, cats, parrots and fish and some of the rarer ones are lizards, snakes, sheep, cows, cockatiels and rabbits. If you have an exotic pet or even a normal pet, we would love yours on the wall. Please remember at least 50 cents donation per pet photo with no maximum donation. So please be generous. 

On Friday August 26th this fundraiser will end. So that wraps up the Wellbeing Leader’s report. See you soon and your pet sooner on the Wall of Fame.


Kai Kernaghan 

Wellbeing Leader Year 6


Best wishes,


Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader
