Coats 4 Kids


Our Coats4Kids campaign has come to an end. The official tally is in and together we collected almost 3,000 coats! It was a mighty ask so thank you for rising to the challenge... it means so much to us and the children and families we help together.


As promised, all adult coats have been passed on to fellow not-for-profit Off Your Back, and they in turn have sent across the children’s coats (aged 2-16 years) they collected. All our campaigns are dear to us but this one was especially so as not only does it help keep children and adults warm over winter, but it also means that together we are practicing the 3R’s of recycling (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and saving these coats and jackets from ending up in landfill.


So, to every school, early learning center, community group, local business, corporate, volunteer, and individual who played a part in our Coats4Kids Campaign… we thank you all for your love and support in ensuring children are happy and warm.


If you still have a coat or two you would like to donate, our doors are always open. Click on the button to book a drop-off time slot.