PFOL Updates

Hello OLHC Community!


We had two very successful fundraisers, the Brents Pie Drive fundraiser and the Bunnings fundraiser. Thank you to those who did a Pie order, big or small, we have raised over $700 profit. Bunnings was a huge day with many wonderful helpers. Thank you to the parent helpers who made it happen - James Collins, Mark Lafferty, Meg Marmo, Faith Bell, Paula Cirone, Craig Murphy, Diarmuid Gordon, Natalie Stead, Brett Boyd, Anne Hibbert, Julie Costantin and Julian Evans. It was a huge success. I am proud to share we gained around $1,600 profit. This is HUGE. Thank you those who came by to buy a sausage or two and to visit us, it was lovely to see familiar faces. 


We have a few exciting events coming up. 

26th August: Movie night 

1st September: Fathers Day 

10th September: Trivia night (further details coming soon) 

7th October: Color Run 

15th October: Twilight Movie night 

12th November: Winery Tour 


Over the Counter - We have began the voluntarily over the counter on Wednesday 3rd August and we are needing as many parent helpers we can get. Preferably 2 parent helpers on each day, 10:30am to 11:30am on Wednesdays and Fridays. (Parents with younger siblings are welcome on Wednesdays only). Instructions are laid out in the canteen and easy to follow through. Please email or SMS Sarah Medawar if you are interested. 


Movie Night - We have parents putting their hand up to help out, it is quite impressive, thank you. 


Father’s Day stall - We are needing helpers to help out in the stall, please if you are available, let us know. 


Trivia night - Further details will be released soon, I have had quite a few parents telling me they are keen to attending this event, please keep this date free to get your rock on. 


Colour Run - Details will be released soon. 


Twilight Movie night - Further details will be released soon. 


Winery Tour - Organised between St Francis, Holy Trinity and Our Lady’s to bring the Parish community together. 


I am proud to say we have a very beautiful community, we appreciate having our lovely OLHC parents putting their hand up to help. Thank you all!


Lastly, if you like to be in the loop with these events or last minute helpers or even put your hand up for the over the counter on Wednesdays or Fridays, please join our Facebook group: OHLC Parents & Friends, we now have 40 members, all is welcome to join! 










Lovely warm Regards, 

Sarah Medawar

Chair of Parents and Friends of Our Lady’s