Around the School


Our school counsellor Rhiannon will be holding a boys team building program on the 27-28th (Sat, Sun) July for boys ages 9 to 12.  Lunch will be provided.  $80 per child for two days.  Please contact Rhiannon on 0422 273 429.


EMPTY 600ml PLASTIC BOTTLES NEEDED:  I am collecting empty 600 ml clear bottles to recycle for an art project at the end of the year. I would appreciate any clean, empty 600 ml bottles that you have to spare. I also collect small (tea box sized) boxes, bottle caps and anything small which you think my students may like to recycle into art.   Please drop them off at the art room or library.   Merci.   Cordialement Mme Gatehouse

BOOK WEEK 19th - 22nd AUGUST

Bonjour.   Book Week is 19th of August to 22nd

The theme is My Secret Power  and the parade is on the Monday 19th time to be confirmed.

Cordialement Marg


Gde 5/6 & Leongatha P.S. Grade 6 Get Together.

Next Wednesday 24th July, the Leongatha P.S. Grade 6’s will visit our school for a shared afternoon of activities with our grade 5/6’s. There will be a trivia competition, gymnastics, a girls’ football match and 2 x teams of boys’ netball.  


The football & netball games will be played between 2.00 – 3.00pm and parents are most welcome to come along and watch. We need some umpires for both the football & netball so if you can assist, please let the office know and we will be in contact.




This Thursday 18th July, our school will have four representatives competing in the State Cross-Country Championships at Bundoora. Good luck to Olivia Cumming, Reuben Gammon, Gemma Meadley and Ella White.


The 5/6s hosted a fundraiser for youth homelessness on the last day of term 2.  There was pop corn and milk shakes on offer and an out of uniform day was enjoyed by all. 

Special thanks go to the lovely P & F ladies who very daringly on the day, unpacked/unscrewed and assembled and read instructions for operating the new popcorn machine in readiness for the recess rush.  The P & F kindly donated all the ingredients for the day and as always did a fantastic job.  Thank you all so much for giving up your time to make this day special. 

Together we raised $537 which will go to HoMie. 

100% of HoMie’s profits go towards people affected homelessness or hardship, through HoMie’s Pathway Alliance program and VIP Shopping Days.

Youth homelessness:

- There are approximately 116,000 people in Australia experiencing homelessness.

- Roughly 43,500 are under the age of 25.

- The majority of young people experiencing homelessness are not sleeping rough. They are sleeping on couches, in cars, in overcrowded dwellings and refuges.

- The main causes of Youth Homelessness are family breakdown and family violence.

- More than half of these young people experiencing homelessness are unemployed and looking for a job.